package kappa-library

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type internal = int option
type agent = {
  1. a_type : int;
  2. a_ports : link array;
  3. a_ints : internal array;
type t = agent list

This is a simple `raw` type of mixture, used as the mixture state after a rule was applied

val copy_agent : agent -> agent
val print : noCounters:bool -> created:bool -> initial_comma:bool -> ?sigs:Kappa_site_graphs.Signature.s -> ?counters_info:Kappa_site_graphs.Counters_info.t -> Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val to_json : t -> Yojson.Basic.t
val of_json : Yojson.Basic.t -> t
type incr_t = {
  1. father : int Kappa_data_structures.Mods.DynArray.t;
  2. rank : (int * (bool * bool)) Kappa_data_structures.Mods.DynArray.t;
val union_find_counters : Kappa_site_graphs.Signature.s option -> t -> incr_t
val find : incr_t -> int -> int
val union : incr_t -> int -> int -> unit
val create : int -> incr_t

Innovation. Community. Security.