package awsm-codegen

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val mkdir_exn : string -> unit

mkdir_exn dir creates the directory dir if it doesn't already exist. Raises if unable to determine the status of dir or if dir already exists but is a regular file.

val camel_to_snake_case : ?sep:char -> string -> string

camel_to_snake_case x assumes string x is in camel case, and converts it to snake case. Example: camel_to_snake_case "AbortMultipartUpload" returns "abort_multipart_upload".

val tokenize : (Sedlexing.lexbuf -> ('a option, 'err) Core.result) -> string -> ('a list, 'err) Core.result
val to_string_of_printer : (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a -> string

Given a printer f that prints to a formatter, return a to_string function that works on the same type of values.

val structure_to_string : Ppxlib.Parsetree.structure -> string
val signature_to_string : Ppxlib.Parsetree.signature -> string
val expression_to_string : Ppxlib.Parsetree.expression -> string
val core_type_to_string : Ppxlib.Parsetree.core_type -> string

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