package mparser

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

A monadic parser combinator library.

The parser combinators provided by this module can be used to build parsers for context-sensitive, infinite look-ahead grammars that are reasonably efficient and produce good error messages due to a controlled use of backtracking. The performance of the resulting parsers should be sufficient for most applications. The parsers get their input from character streams provided by the MParser_Char_Stream module, which means that it is possible to parse files up to a size of at least 1GB.

The MParser module is an OCaml version of the FParsec library for F# by Stephan Tolksdorf and the Parsec library for Haskell by Daan Leijen. The interface of the MParser module is very similar to the interfaces of Parsec and FParsec. For this reason, we keep the documentation here rather terse. See the excellent documentation of Parsec and FParsec for more information. Parsers should be easily portable from these two libraries to MParser (although some functions might behave subtly different). Where the behavior of Parsec and FParsec differs, MParser generally behaves like FParsec (but there might be exceptions).

A significant drawback of the implementation is that it relies on the standard OCaml types char and string and therefore there is currently no support for Unicode.

Parser state

The state of a parser consists of the input to be parsed, the current position in the input, the number of the current line, the position of the first character of the current line in the input, and an optional user state. A position p is valid if it satisfies 0 <= p && p < l, where l is the length of the input; all other positions are invalid. Characters can only be read from valid positions.

The following functions that directly access or change the parser state should only be used to write very low-level parsers. All other parsers should be composed from parser combinators (see below).

type 's state

The type of parser states.

val init : MParser_Char_Stream.t -> 's -> 's state

init input user returns an initial parser state using the input stream input and the initial user state user.

val is_eof : 's state -> bool

is_eof s returns true if the current position of s is not a valid position, and false otherwise. If is_eof returns false, a character can be read from the current position.

val next_state : 's state -> 's state

advance s returns the state s with the position advanced by one character if the current position of s is a valid position. Otherwise, the same state is returned. This function does not register newlines. If the current character is a newline, advance_state_nl should be used instead.

val advance_state : 's state -> int -> 's state

advance_state s n returns the state s with the position advanced by n characters if the current position of s is a valid position. Otherwise, the same state is returned. This function does not register newlines. If the current character is a newline, advance_state_nl should be used instead.

val advance_state_nl : 's state -> int -> 's state

advance_state_nl s n returns the state s with the position advanced by n characters and the line counter increased by one if the current position of s is a valid position. Otherwise, the same state is returned.

val read_char : 's state -> char option

read_char s returns Some c where c is the character at the current position, or None if this position is not a valid position.

val read_index : 's state -> int -> char option

read_index s pos returns Some c where c is the character at the position pos, or None if this position is not a valid position.

val next_char : 's state -> char option

next_char s returns Some c where c is the character after the current position, or None if this position is not a valid position.

val prev_char : 's state -> char option

prev_char s returns Some c where c is the character before the current position, or None if this position is not a valid position.

val read_string : 's state -> int -> string

read_string s maxlen returns a string containing the next n characters, where n is the minimum of maxlen and the number of characters remaining from the current position. If the current position is not a valid position, the empty string is returned.

val match_char : 's state -> char -> bool

match_char s c returns true if c is the character at the current position, and false otherwise.

val match_string : 's state -> string -> bool

match_string s str returns true if the input starting at the current position matches the string str, and false otherwise.

Error handling and reporting

When building parsers from the parser combinators and running them using the parse functions (see below), error handling and reporting is nearly automatic. If a parser run fails, the parse functions return a human-readable (plain English) error message that is generated from the labels attached to the parsers using the labelling operators <?> and <??>.

The following types and functions can be used for explicit creation of errors in parsers and for customizing the handling of errors returned by parser runs. For this purpose the parse functions also return the actual error value in the case of a failed parser run. Typical applications for customized error handling are the internationalization of error messages and the automatic processing of parse errors.

type pos = int * int * int

An input position, consisting of an index into the input, a line number, and a column number.

type error_message =
  1. | Unexpected_error of string

    An unexpected symbol occurred in the input.

  2. | Expected_error of string

    A symbol that was expected in the input could not be parsed.

  3. | Message_error of string

    An error occurred that does not fit into any other category.

  4. | Compound_error of string * error

    An error occurred while parsing a part of a compound.

  5. | Backtrack_error of error

    The parser backtracked after an error occurred.

  6. | Unknown_error

    An unknown error occurred.


The type of error messages returned by parsers.

and error =
  1. | Parse_error of pos * error_message list
  2. | No_error

    The type of errors returned by parsers.

val unexpected_error : 's state -> string -> error

Creates an Unexpected_error. The argument should describe the unexpected symbol that occurred in the input.

val expected_error : 's state -> string -> error

Creates an Expected_error. The argument should describe the symbol that was expected but could not be parsed.

val message_error : 's state -> string -> error

Creates a Message_error. The argument should contain the complete error message.

val compound_error : 's state -> string -> error -> error

Creates a Compound_error. The string argument should describe the compound that could not be parsed; the error argument should be the error that caused to compound parser to fail.

val backtrack_error : 's state -> error -> error

Creates a Backtrack_error. The argument should be the error that caused the parser to backtrack.

val unknown_error : 's state -> error

Creates an Unknown_error.

val merge_errors : error -> error -> error

Merges two errors. The behavior of the error reporting is undefined if Parse_error values from different positions are merged.

The parser type

To make handling of parse errors possible, the reply of a parser must not only indicate whether the parser has failed or succeeded, but also whether the parser has consumed input. When a parser is run, the general rule is that when it fails, alternative parsers created using the <|> and choice combinators are only tried if the first parser did not consume input. Thus by default the resulting parsers are predictive (non-backtracking). This behavior can be changed by using combinators like attempt and look_ahead. By this means the MParser module can be used to build efficient parsers for a very large class of languages that provide nearly automatic handling of errors, which is virtually impossible with full-backtracking parsers (because the position causing the failure cannot be determined).

This approach to combinator parsing has been pioneered by Daan Leijen's Parsec library. A more detailed presentation of it can be found in the following paper: Daan Leijen and Erik Meijer, Parsec: Direct-Style Monadic Parser Combinators For The Real World, Technical Report UU-CS-2001-35, Departement of Computer Science, Universiteit Utrecht, 2001.

type ('a, 's) reply =
  1. | Empty_failed of error

    The parser failed without consuming input.

  2. | Empty_ok of 'a * 's state * error

    The parser succeeded without consuming input.

  3. | Consumed_failed of error

    The parser failed after consuming input.

  4. | Consumed_ok of 'a * 's state * error

    The parser succeeded after consuming input.


The type of replies returned by parsers.

type ('a, 's) t = 's state -> ('a, 's) reply
type ('a, 's) parser = ('a, 's) t

The type of parsers with result type 'a and user state type 's.

val make_ok : bool -> 'a -> 's state -> error -> ('a, 's) reply

make_ok consumed result state error returns Empty_ok (result, state, error) if consumed = false, and Consumed_ok (result, state, error) if consumed = true.

val make_failed : bool -> error -> ('a, 's) reply

make_failed consumed error returns Empty_failed error if consumed = false, and Consumed_failed error of consumed = true.

val is_consumed : ('a, 's) reply -> bool

is_consumed reply returns true if reply is Consumed_failed or Consumed_ok, and false otherwise.

val is_empty : ('a, 's) reply -> bool

is_consumed reply returns true if reply is Empty_failed or Empty_ok, and false otherwise.

val is_error : ('a, 's) reply -> bool

is_error reply returns true if reply is Empty_failed or Consumed_failed, and false otherwise.

val is_ok : ('a, 's) reply -> bool

is_error reply returns true if reply is Empty_ok or Consumed_ok, and false otherwise.

val set_error : ('a, 's) reply -> error -> ('a, 's) reply

set_error reply error returns reply with the error message replaced by error.

Running a parser

type 'a result =
  1. | Success of 'a
  2. | Failed of string * error

The result of a parser run. In the case of Failed, it contains a human-readable error message.

val parse : ('a, 's) t -> MParser_Char_Stream.t -> 's -> 'a result

parse p s user runs the parser p on the input stream s using the initial user state user.

val parse_string : ('a, 's) t -> string -> 's -> 'a result

parse_string p str user runs the parser p on the input stream produced from the string str using the initial user state user. The stream is created with MParser_Char_Stream.from_string.

val parse_channel : ('a, 's) t -> in_channel -> 's -> 'a result

parse_string p chn user runs the parser p on the input stream produced from the channel chn using the initial user state user. The stream is created with MParser_Char_Stream.from_channel.

Parser combinators

Note: A statement of the form "parser p is equivalent to q", where q is a compound parser, means that p is functionally equivalent to q, that is, it behaves exactly the same as q, although it might be implemented differently. Using p is generally more efficient than using the compound parser q and should therefore be preferred.

val return : 'a -> ('a, 's) t

return x always succeeds with the result x without consuming any input.

val try_return : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> string -> 's state -> ('b, 's) t

try_return f x msg s0 succeeds with the result f x without consuming input if f x does not raise an exception. Otherwise, it fails with a Message_error with error message msg at state s0. This combinator is useful where a result must be computed from another parser result and where this computation may raise an exception.

val try_return2 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a -> 'b -> string -> 's state -> ('c, 's) t

A variant of try_return for functions with two parameters.

val try_return3 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd) -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> string -> 's state -> ('d, 's) t

A variant of try_return for functions with three parameters.

val fail : string -> ('a, 's) t

fail msg always fails with a Message_error with error message msg. The fail parser pretends having consumed input, so that all error messages are overwritten.

val message : string -> ('a, 's) t

message msg always fails with a Message_error with error message msg without consuming input, so that the error message is merged with other errors generated for the same input position.

val zero : ('a, 's) t

zero always fails with an Unknown_error without consuming input.

val bind : ('a, 's) t -> ('a -> ('b, 's) t) -> ('b, 's) t

p >>= f first applies the parser p, then applies f to the resulting value, and finally applies the resulting parser. Since the second parser can depend on the result of the first parser, it is possible to parse context-sensitive grammars.

val (>>=) : ('a, 's) t -> ('a -> ('b, 's) t) -> ('b, 's) t

p >>= f is equivalent to bind p f

val (>>) : ('a, 's) t -> ('b, 's) t -> ('b, 's) t

p >> q is equivalent to p >>= (fun _ -> q).

val (<<) : ('a, 's) t -> ('b, 's) t -> ('a, 's) t

p << q is equivalent to p >>= (fun x -> q >> return x).

val (>>>) : ('a, 's) t -> ('b, 's) t -> ('b, 's) t

Camlp4-compatible alternative to >>.

val (<<<) : ('a, 's) t -> ('b, 's) t -> ('a, 's) t

Camlp4-compatible alternative to <<.

val (>>$) : ('a, 's) t -> 'b -> ('b, 's) t

p >>$ x is equivalent to p >> return x.

val (>>?) : ('a, 's) t -> ('b, 's) t -> ('b, 's) t

p >>? q behaves like p >> q, but if q fails without consuming input, it backtracks and pretends not having consumed input, even if p has consumed input.

val (|>>) : ('a, 's) t -> ('a -> 'b) -> ('b, 's) t

p |>> f is equivalent to p >>= (fun x -> return (f x)).

val pipe2 : ('a, 's) t -> ('b, 's) t -> ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> ('c, 's) t

A variant of (|>>) for functions with two parameters.

val pipe3 : ('a, 's) t -> ('b, 's) t -> ('c, 's) t -> ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd) -> ('d, 's) t

A variant of (|>>) for functions with three parameters.

val pipe4 : ('a, 's) t -> ('b, 's) t -> ('c, 's) t -> ('d, 's) t -> ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e) -> ('e, 's) t

A variant of (|>>) for functions with four parameters.

val (<|>) : ('a, 's) t -> ('a, 's) t -> ('a, 's) t

p <|> q first applies p. If p fails without consuming input, it applies q.

val choice : ('a, 's) t list -> ('a, 's) t

choice [p1; p2; ...; pn ] is equivalent to p1 <|> p2 <|> ... <|> pn <|> zero.

val attempt : ('a, 's) t -> ('a, 's) t

attempt p behaves like p, but if p fails after consuming input, it backtracks and pretends not having consumed input. The error message of p is wrapped inside a Backtrack_error.

val (<?>) : ('a, 's) t -> string -> ('a, 's) t

p <?> label attaches the label label to p. If p fails without consuming input, the error message of p is replaced by an Expected_error with the label label.

val (<??>) : ('a, 's) t -> string -> ('a, 's) t

p <??> label behaves like p <?> label, but if p fails after consuming input, the error message of p is wrapped inside a Compound_error.

val look_ahead : ('a, 's) t -> ('a, 's) t

look_ahead p behaves like p, but restores the original state after parsing. It always returns an empty reply.

val followed_by : ('a, 's) t -> string -> (unit, 's) t

followed_by p msg succeeds without consuming input and returns () if p succeeds at the current position. Otherwise, it fails without consuming input and returns an Expected_error with error message msg.

val not_followed_by : ('a, 's) t -> string -> (unit, 's) t

not_followed_by p msg succeeds without consuming input and returns () if p does not succeed at the current position. Otherwise, it fails without consuming input and returns an Unexpected_error with error message msg.

val opt : 'a -> ('a, 's) t -> ('a, 's) t

opt x p is equivalent to p <|>$ x.

val option : ('a, 's) t -> ('a option, 's) t

option p is equivalent to p >>= (fun r -> return (Some r)) <|>$ None.

val optional : ('a, 's) t -> (unit, 's) t

optional p is equivalent to p >>$ () <|>$ ().

val try_skip : ('a, 's) t -> (bool, 's) t

try_skip p is equivalent to p >>$ true <|>$ false.

val pair : ('a, 's) t -> ('b, 's) t -> ('a * 'b, 's) t

pair p q is equivalent to p >>= (fun x -> q >>= (fun y -> return (x, y))).

val many : ('a, 's) t -> ('a list, 's) t

many p parses zero or more occurrences of p and returns a list of the results returned by p.

  • raises Failure

    if p doesn't accept any input.

val many1 : ('a, 's) t -> ('a list, 's) t

many1 p parses one or more occurrences of p and returns a list of the results returned by p.

  • raises Failure

    if p doesn't accept any input.

val many_rev : ('a, 's) t -> ('a list, 's) t

many_rev p is equivalent to many p |>> List.rev.

  • raises Failure

    if p doesn't accept any input.

val many1_rev : ('a, 's) t -> ('a list, 's) t

many1_rev p is equivalent to many1 p |>> List.rev.

  • raises Failure

    if p doesn't accept any input.

val skip : ('a, 's) t -> (unit, 's) t

skip p is equivalent to p |>> ignore.

val skip_many : ('a, 's) t -> (unit, 's) t

skip_many p is equivalent to skip (many p).

  • raises Failure

    if p doesn't accept any input.

val skip_many1 : ('a, 's) t -> (unit, 's) t

skip_many1 p is equivalent to skip (many1 p).

  • raises Failure

    if p doesn't accept any input.

val many_fold_left : ('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> ('b, 's) t -> ('a, 's) t

many_fold_left f a p is equivalent to many p |>> List.fold_left f a.

  • raises Failure

    if p doesn't accept any input.

val many1_fold_left : ('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> ('b, 's) t -> ('a, 's) t

many1_fold_left f a p is equivalent to many1 p |>> List.fold_left f a.

  • raises Failure

    if p doesn't accept any input.

val many_rev_fold_left : ('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> ('b, 's) t -> ('a, 's) t

many_rev_fold_left f a p is equivalent to many p |>> List.rev |>> List.fold_left f a.

  • raises Failure

    if p doesn't accept any input.

val many1_rev_fold_left : ('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> ('b, 's) t -> ('a, 's) t

many1_rev_fold_left f a p is equivalent to many1 p |>> List.rev |>> List.fold_left f a.

  • raises Failure

    if p doesn't accept any input.

val chain_left : ('a, 's) t -> ('a -> 'a -> 'a, 's) t -> 'a -> ('a, 's) t

chain_left p op x parses zero or more occurrences of p, separated by op. It returns the value obtained by the left-associative application of the functions returned by op to the results of p. If there are zero occurrences of p, the value x is returned.

val chain_left1 : ('a, 's) t -> ('a -> 'a -> 'a, 's) t -> ('a, 's) t

chain_left1 p op parses one or more occurrences of p, separated by op. It returns the value obtained by the left-associative application of the functions returned by op to the results of p.

val chain_right : ('a, 's) t -> ('a -> 'a -> 'a, 's) t -> 'a -> ('a, 's) t

chain_right p op x parses zero or more occurrences of p, separated by op. It returns the value obtained by the right-associative application of the functions returned by op to the results of p. If there are zero occurrences of p, the value x is returned.

val chain_right1 : ('a, 's) t -> ('a -> 'a -> 'a, 's) t -> ('a, 's) t

chain_right1 p op parses one or more occurrences of p, separated by op. It returns the value obtained by the right-associative application of the functions returned by op to the results of p.

val count : int -> ('a, 's) t -> ('a list, 's) t

count n p parses exactly n occurrences of p and returns a list of the results returned by p.

val skip_count : int -> ('a, 's) t -> (unit, 's) t

skip_count n p is equivalent to skip (count n p).

val between : ('a, 's) t -> ('b, 's) t -> ('c, 's) t -> ('c, 's) t

between left right p is equivalent to left >> p << right.

val sep_by : ('a, 's) t -> ('b, 's) t -> ('a list, 's) t

sep_by p sep parses zero or more occurrences of p, separated by sep. It returns a list of the results returned by p.

val sep_by1 : ('a, 's) t -> ('b, 's) t -> ('a list, 's) t

sep_by1 p sep parses one or more occurrences of p, separated by sep. It returns a list of the results returned by p.

val sep_end_by : ('a, 's) t -> ('b, 's) t -> ('a list, 's) t

sep_end_by p sep parses zero or more occurrences of p, separated and optionally ended by sep. It returns a list of the results returned by p.

val sep_end_by1 : ('a, 's) t -> ('b, 's) t -> ('a list, 's) t

sep_end_by1 p sep parses one or more occurrences of p, separated and optionally ended by sep. It returns a list of the results returned by p.

val end_by : ('a, 's) t -> ('b, 's) t -> ('a list, 's) t

end_by p sep parses zero or more occurrences of p, separated and ended by sep. It returns a list of the results returned by p.

val end_by1 : ('a, 's) t -> ('b, 's) t -> ('a list, 's) t

end_by1 p sep parses one or more occurrences of p, separated and ended by sep. It returns a list of the results returned by p.

val many_until : ('a, 's) t -> ('b, 's) t -> ('a list, 's) t

many_until p q parses zero or more occurrences of p until q succeeds and returns a list of the results returned by p. It is equivalent to many (not_followed_by q "" >> p) << q. Note that q is parsed twice and should therefore not have side effects.

val skip_many_until : ('a, 's) t -> ('b, 's) t -> (unit, 's) t

skip_many_until p q is equivalent to skip (many_until p q).

Parsers accessing the parser state

val get_input : (MParser_Char_Stream.t, 's) t

Returns the input stream.

val get_index : (int, 's) t

Returns the current index into the input.

val get_pos : (pos, 's) t

Returns the current position.

val register_nl : int -> int -> (unit, 's) t

register_nl lines chars_after_nl increases the line counter by lines and sets the beginning of the current line to chars_after_nl characters before the current index.

val set_pos : pos -> (unit, 's) t

Sets the current position.

val eof : (unit, 's) t

Parses the end of the input.

Parsers accessing the user state

val get_user_state : ('s, 's) t

Returns the current user state of the parser.

val set_user_state : 's -> (unit, 's) t

Sets the current user state of the parser.

val update_user_state : ('s -> 's) -> (unit, 's) t

update_user_state f applies f to the user state of the parser.

Character-based parsers

The following specialized parsers and parser combinators work directly on the characters of the input stream and are therefore more efficient than the general combinators. Generally, the basic character and string parsers only consume input when they succeed.

val skip_nchars : int -> (unit, 's) t

skip_nchars n skips n characters of the input. Newlines are not registered. This parser never fails, even if there are less than n characters left.

val char : char -> (char, 's) t

char c parses the character c and returns it.

val skip_char : char -> (unit, 's) t

skip_char c is equivalent to skip (char c).

val any_char : (char, 's) t

Parses any character and returns it. This parser does not register newlines. Use any_char_or_nl if the current character can be a newline.

val skip_any_char : (unit, 's) t

skip_any_char is equivalent to skip any_char.

val any_char_or_nl : (char, 's) t

any_char_or_nl is equivalent to newline <|> any_char.

val skip_any_char_or_nl : (unit, 's) t

skip_any_char_or_nl is equivalent to skip any_char_or_nl.

val peek_char : (char, 's) t

Returns the character at the position after the current position or fails if this is not a valid position. This parser does not consume input.

val string : string -> (string, 's) t

string s parses the string s and returns it.

val skip_string : string -> (unit, 's) t

skip_string s is equivalent to skip (string s).

val any_string : int -> (string, 's) t

any_string n parses any string of n characters and returns it. Fails if there are less than n characters left in the input.

val many_chars : (char, 's) t -> (string, 's) t

many_chars p parses zero or more occurrences of p and returns a string of the results returned by p.

  • raises Failure

    if p doesn't accept any input.

val many1_chars : (char, 's) t -> (string, 's) t

many1_chars p parses one or more occurrences of p and returns a string of the results returned by p.

  • raises Failure

    if p doesn't accept any input.

val skip_many_chars : (char, 's) t -> (unit, 's) t

skip_many_chars p is equivalent to skip (many_chars p).

val skip_many1_chars : (char, 's) t -> (unit, 's) t

skip_many1_chars p is equivalent to skip (many1_chars p).

val many_chars_until : (char, 's) t -> (char, 's) t -> (string, 's) t

many_chars_until p q parses zero or more occurrences of p until q succeeds and returns a string of the results returned by p. It is equivalent to many_chars (not_followed_by q "" >> p) << q. Note that q is parsed twice and should therefore not have side effects.

val skip_many_chars_until : (char, 's) t -> (char, 's) t -> (unit, 's) t

skip_many_chars_until p q is equivalent to skip (many_chars_until p q).

val satisfy : (char -> bool) -> (char, 's) t

satisfy p parses a character for which p returns true and returns this character. It fails with an Unknown_error if the character at the current position does not satisfy p.

val satisfy_l : (char -> bool) -> string -> (char, 's) t

satisfy_l p label is equivalent to satisfy p <?> label.

val skip_satisfy : (char -> bool) -> (unit, 's) t

skip_satisfy p is equivalent to skip (satisfy p).

val skip_satisfy_l : (char -> bool) -> string -> (unit, 's) t

skip_satisfy_l p label is equivalent to skip (satisfy_l p label).

val nsatisfy : int -> (char -> bool) -> (string, 's) t

nsatisfy n p parses the next n characters if p returns true for each of them. Otherwise it fails with an Unknown_error without consuming input.

val many_satisfy : (char -> bool) -> (string, 's) t

many_satisfy p is equivalent to many_chars (satisfy p).

val many1_satisfy : (char -> bool) -> (string, 's) t

many1_satisfy p is equivalent to many1_chars (satisfy p).

val skip_many_satisfy : (char -> bool) -> (unit, 's) t

skip_many_satisfy p is equivalent to skip_many (satisfy p).

val skip_many1_satisfy : (char -> bool) -> (unit, 's) t

skip_many1_satisfy p is equivalent to skip_many1 (satisfy p).

val next_char_satisfies : (char -> bool) -> (unit, 's) t

next_char_satisfies p succeeds without consuming input if p returns true for the character after the current position. Otherwise it fails with an Unknown_error.

val prev_char_satisfies : (char -> bool) -> (unit, 's) t

prev_char_satisfies p succeeds without consuming input if p returns true for the character before the current position. Otherwise it fails with an Unknown_error.

val any_of : string -> (char, 's) t

any_of str parses any character occurring in the string str and returns it.

val none_of : string -> (char, 's) t

none_of str parses any character not occurring in the string str and returns it.

val is_not : (char, 's) t -> (char, 's) t

is_not c parses any character that is not accepted by parser c. Fails with Unknown_error if the character is accepted by c.

val uppercase : (char, 's) t

Parses an English uppercase letter and returns it.

val lowercase : (char, 's) t

Parses an English lowercase letter and returns it.

val letter : (char, 's) t

Parses an English letter and returns it.

val digit : (char, 's) t

Parses a decimal digit and returns it.

val hex_digit : (char, 's) t

Parses a hexadecimal digit and returns it.

val oct_digit : (char, 's) t

Parses an octal digit and returns it.

val alphanum : (char, 's) t

Parses an English letter or a decimal digit and returns it.

val tab : (char, 's) t

Parses a tab character ('\t') and returns it.

val blank : (char, 's) t

Parses a space or a tab character (' ' or '\t' and returns it.

val newline : (char, 's) t

Parses a newline ('\n', '\r', or the sequence '\r', '\n'). If it succeeds, it always returns '\n'. The position in the parser state is correctly updated.

val space : (char, 's) t

Parses a space (' '), a tab ('\t') or a newline ('\n', '\r', or the sequence '\r', '\n'). If a newline is parsed, it returns '\n' and correctly updates the position in the parser state. Otherwise it returns the parsed character.

val non_space : (char, 's) t

non_space is equivalent to is_not space, with a better error message.

val spaces : (unit, 's) t

spaces is equivalent to skip_many_chars space.

val spaces1 : (unit, 's) t

spaces is equivalent to skip_many_chars1 space.

Expression parser

type assoc =
  1. | Assoc_none

    None-associative operator.

  2. | Assoc_left

    Left-associative operator.

  3. | Assoc_right

    Right-associative operator.


The associativity of an operator. An operator (#) is left-associative if a # b # c = (a # b) # c, right-associative if a # b # c = a # (b # c), and non-associative if applying (#) to an expression with head operator (#) is not allowed. Note that a value of this type specifies only how an expression like a # b # c is parsed, not how it is interpreted semantically.

type ('a, 's) operator =
  1. | Infix of ('a -> 'a -> 'a, 's) t * assoc

    Infix operator.

  2. | Prefix of ('a -> 'a, 's) t

    Prefix operator.

  3. | Postfix of ('a -> 'a, 's) t

    Postfix operator.


The type of operators on type 'a. The function returned by the parser argument to the Infix, Prefix, and Postfix constructor is used to build the result of applying the operator to its operands.

val expression : ('a, 's) operator list list -> ('a, 's) t -> ('a, 's) t

expression operators term parses any well-formed expression that can built from the basic terms parsed by term and the operators specified in the operator table operators. The operator table is a list of operator lists that is ordered in descending precedence. All elements in one list of operators have the same precedence, but may have different associativities.

Adjacent prefix and postfix operators of the same precedence are not well-formed. For example, if (-) denotes prefix negation, --x is not a well-formed expression (if (--) does not denote an operator on its own). If a prefix and a postfix operator of the same precedence are applied to an expression, the prefix operator is applied before the postfix operator.

The following example demonstrates the usage of the expression parser. It implements a minimalistic calculator that can be used to evaluate expressions like eval "(1 + 2 * 3) / -2", which returns -3.

open MParser
open Tokens

exception Syntax_error

let infix sym f assoc = Infix  (skip_symbol sym >> return f, assoc)
let prefix sym f = Prefix (skip_symbol sym >> return f)

let negate x = -x

let operators =
  [ prefix "-" negate ];
  [ infix "*" ( * ) Assoc_left; infix "/" ( / ) Assoc_left ];
  [ infix "+" ( + ) Assoc_left; infix "-" ( - ) Assoc_left ];

let rec term s = (parens expr <|> decimal) s

and expr s = expression operators term s

let eval s =
  match parse_string expr s () with
    | Success x -> x
    | Failed (msg, _) ->
        print_string msg;
        raise Syntax_error
module MakeRegexp (Regexp : MParser_Sig.Regexp) : sig ... end

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