package yuujinchou
Name pattern combinators
Dune Dependency
This package implements a pattern language for selecting names. It intends to facilitate the implementation of the "import" statement or any feature that allows users to select a group of names by patterns.
Published: 08 Mar 2022
# Yuujinchou: Name Pattern Combinators _Yuujinchou_ is an OCaml package of name patterns for implementing import statements. Please consult the [generated documentation]( for more details. ## How to Use It ```ocaml open Yuujinchou module Data = struct type t = int let equal n1 n2 = n1 = n2 let merge ~rev_path x y = if equal x y then Result.ok x else Result.error @@ `Inconsistent (List.rev rev_path) let shadow ~rev_path:_ _x y = y let compare : t -> t -> int = compare end (** An environment is a mapping from paths to data. *) type env = Data.t Trie.t (** [remap pattern env] uses the [pattern] to massage the environment [env]. *) let remap pattern env = let pp_path = function [] -> "(root)" | path -> String.concat "." path in match ~union:Data.merge pattern env with | Ok env -> env | Error (`Inconsistent path) -> failwith ("Inconsistent data assigned to the same path " ^ pp_path path) | Error (`BindingNotFound path) -> failwith ("Expected binding(s) not found within the subtree at " ^ pp_path path) (** [import env pattern imported] imports the environment [imported] massaged by [pattern] into [env]. *) let import env pattern imported = Trie.union Data.shadow env @@ remap pattern imported module DataSet = Set.Make (Data) (** [select env pattern] returns the set of matched data. *) let select env pattern = DataSet.of_seq @@ Trie.to_seq_values @@ remap pattern env ``` ## Installation You need OCaml 4.08.0 or newer. The package is available on the OPAM repository: ``` opam install yuujinchou ``` You could also check out the source repository and install the latest version in development: ``` git clone opam install ./yuujinchou ```
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
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