package yocaml_syndication

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Implementation of the ATOM specification, documented here: specs.


Types that briefly describe the Atom specification.

type text_construct

A Text construct contains human-readable text, usually in small quantities. The content of Text constructs is Language-Sensitive.

Define the kind of a link. Formally the rel attribute.

Defines a reference from an entry or feed to a Web resource. This specification assigns no meaning to the content (if any) of this element.

type source

If an entry is copied from one feed into another feed, then the source feed's metadata (all child elements of feed other than the atom:entry elements) MAY be preserved within the copied entry by adding an source child element, if it is not already present in the entry, and including some or all of the source feed's Metadata elements as the source element's children. Such metadata SHOULD be preserved if the source feed contains any of the child elements author, contributor, rights, or category and those child elements are not present in the source entry.

type content

The content element either contains or links to the content of the entry. The content of atom:content is Language-Sensitive.

type entry

The "entry" element represents an individual entry, acting as a container for metadata and data associated with the entry. This element can appear as a child of the feed element, or it can appear as the document (i.e., top-level) element of a stand-alone Atom Entry Document.

type updated_strategy

Defines how the feed's updated field will be calculated.

Construction of elements

Text Construct

A Text construct contains human-readable text, usually in small quantities. The content of Text constructs is Language-Sensitive.

val text : string -> text_construct

text s constructs an element of type text_construct textual.

val html : string -> text_construct

html s constructs an element of type text_construct HTML.

val xhtml : ?need_prefix:bool -> Xml.node -> text_construct

xhtml ?need_prefix s constructs an element of type text_construct XHTML. If need_prefix is true, every children of the given node will be prefixed by the xhtml namespace.

Defines a reference from an entry or feed to a Web resource. This specification assigns no meaning to the content (if any) of this element.

Constructs a link (an external source).

val alternate : ?media_type:Media_type.t -> ?hreflang:string -> ?length:int -> ?title:string -> string -> link

alternate is link ~rel:Alternate.

related is link ~rel:related.

val self : ?media_type:Media_type.t -> ?hreflang:string -> ?length:int -> ?title:string -> string -> link

self is link ~rel:Self.

val enclosure : ?media_type:Media_type.t -> ?hreflang:string -> ?length:int -> ?title:string -> string -> link

enclosure is link ~rel:enclosure.

val via : ?media_type:Media_type.t -> ?hreflang:string -> ?length:int -> ?title:string -> string -> link

via is link ~rel:Via.


If an entry is copied from one feed into another feed, then the source feed's metadata (all child elements of feed other than the entry elements) MAY be preserved within the copied entry by adding an source child element, if it is not already present in the entry, and including some or all of the source feed's Metadata elements as the source element's children. Such metadata SHOULD be preserved if the source feed contains any of the child elements author, contributor, rights, or category and those child elements are not present in the source entry.

val source : ?subtitle:text_construct -> ?contributors:Person.t list -> ?categories:Category.t list -> ?generator:Generator.t option -> ?icon:string -> ?logo:string -> ?links:link list -> ?rights:text_construct -> ?updated:Datetime.t -> ?title:text_construct -> ?authors:Person.t list -> ?id:string -> unit -> source

Construct a source.


The content element either contains or links to the content of the entry. The content of content is Language-Sensitive.

val content_text : string -> content

content_text s constructs a textual content.

val content_html : string -> content

content_html s constructs an HTML content.

val content_xhtml : ?need_prefix:bool -> Xml.node -> content

content_xhtml ?need_prefix s constructs an XHTML content (like xhtml).

val content_mime : ?media_type:Media_type.t -> string -> content

content_mime ?media_type value constructs a mime content.

val content_src : ?media_type:Media_type.t -> string -> content

content_src ?media_type uri constructs a source content.


The "entry" element represents an individual entry, acting as a container for metadata and data associated with the entry. This element can appear as a child of the feed element, or it can appear as the document (i.e., top-level) element of a stand-alone Atom Entry Document.

val entry : ?authors:Person.t list -> ?contributors:Person.t list -> ?links:link list -> ?categories:Category.t list -> ?published:Datetime.t -> ?rights:text_construct -> ?source:source -> ?summary:text_construct -> ?content:content -> title:text_construct -> id:string -> updated:Datetime.t -> unit -> entry

Constructs an entry.

Building a feed

val updated_from_entries : ?default_value:Datetime.t -> unit -> updated_strategy

Uses entries to describe the last update date. If no entry is provided, the date provisioned by default_value will be used.

val updated_given : Datetime.t -> updated_strategy

Use a fixed updated value.

val feed : ?encoding:string -> ?standalone:bool -> ?subtitle:text_construct -> ?contributors:Person.t list -> ?categories:Category.t list -> ?generator:Generator.t option -> ?icon:string -> ?logo:string -> ?links:link list -> ?rights:text_construct -> updated:updated_strategy -> title:text_construct -> authors:Person.t Yocaml.Nel.t -> id:string -> ('a -> entry) -> 'a list -> Xml.t

Arrows for building a feed

val from : ?encoding:string -> ?standalone:bool -> ?subtitle:text_construct -> ?contributors:Person.t list -> ?categories:Category.t list -> ?generator:Generator.t option -> ?icon:string -> ?logo:string -> ?links:link list -> ?rights:text_construct -> updated:updated_strategy -> title:text_construct -> authors:Person.t Yocaml.Nel.t -> id:string -> ('a -> entry) -> ('a list, string) Yocaml.Task.t

An arrow that build a feed that from an arbitrary list.

val from_articles : ?encoding:string -> ?standalone:bool -> ?subtitle:text_construct -> ?contributors:Person.t list -> ?categories:Category.t list -> ?generator:Generator.t option -> ?icon:string -> ?logo:string -> ?links:link list -> ?rights:text_construct -> ?updated:updated_strategy -> ?id:string -> site_url:string -> feed_url:string -> title:text_construct -> authors:Person.t Yocaml.Nel.t -> unit -> ((Yocaml.Path.t * Yocaml.Archetype.Article.t) list, string) Yocaml.Task.t

An arrow that build a feed that fit with Yocaml.Archetype.Articles.fetch. link is concatenate with the given path to compute the url of an item.


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