package vscoq-language-server

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type text_edit = Lsp.Types.Range.t * string
type t
val create : string -> t
val text : t -> string
val position_of_loc : t -> int -> Lsp.Types.Position.t
val loc_of_position : t -> Lsp.Types.Position.t -> int
val end_loc : t -> int
val range_of_loc : t -> Loc.t -> Lsp.Types.Range.t
val word_at_position : t -> Lsp.Types.Position.t -> string option
val apply_text_edit : t -> text_edit -> t * int

Applies a text edit, and returns start location

val only_whitespace_between : t -> int -> int -> bool

Tests if document text contains only whitespace between the two provided locations, included


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