Module type
Class type
Many-sorted abstract binding trees.
Tyabt is an implementation of many-sorted abstract binding trees. Abstract binding trees (ABTs) are similar to abstract syntax trees, but also keep track of variable scopes. Many-sorted ABTs support multiple syntactic classes, known as sorts. This library uses GADTs and phantom types to statically ensure that only syntactically valid ABTs are representable.
('a, 'b) eq
is the proposition that 'a
and 'b
are equal.
The arity of an operator typically consists of a sequence of sorts s1, ..., sn describing the operator's parameters, and the sort s that the operator belongs to. The arity usually takes the form s1 × ... × sn → s.
Abstract binding trees record variables that are bound in the scope of a term. Therefore, operands have a valence, which lists the sorts of the variables bound in the operand in addition to the sort of the operand itself. The valence takes the form s1 × ... × sk → s, where s1, ..., sk are the sorts of the variables and s is the sort of the operand.
As a result, the arity for an operator of an abstract binding tree really takes the form v1 × ... × vn → s where each vi is a valence.
Throughout this library, the 'valence
type parameter takes the form 's1 -> ... 'sk -> 's va
where each 'si
is the sort of a bound variable and 's
is the sort of the operand, and the 'arity
type parameter takes the form 'v1 -> ... -> 'vn -> 's ar
, where each 'vi
is a valence of of an operand and 's
is the sort of the operator.
module type Sort = sig ... end
A sort is the syntactic class that an operator belongs to.
module type Operator = sig ... end
An operator is a function symbol.
module type Variable = sig ... end
module Make
(Sort : Sort)
(Operator : Operator) :
with type 'sort Sort.t = 'sort Sort.t
and type ('arity, 'sort) Operator.t = ('arity, 'sort) Operator.t
Functor building an implementation of abstract binding trees given a signature.
Here is an example of using this library to create binding trees for the simply typed lambda calculus (STLC).
The STLC has two sorts, types and terms:
type ty = Ty
type tm = Tm
module Sort = struct
type 'sort t =
| Term : tm t
| Type : ty t
let equal
: type s1 s2 any.
s1 t -> s2 t
-> ((s1, s2) Tyabt.eq, (s1, s2) Tyabt.eq -> any) Either.t =
fun s1 s2 -> match s1, s2 with
| Term, Term -> Left Refl
| Term, Type -> Right (function _ -> .)
| Type, Type -> Left Refl
| Type, Term -> Right (function _ -> .)
The sorts are represented as phantom types. The type _ Sort.t
is a proxy that holds the type-level sort.
The operators of the language are unit
(the unit type), arrow
(the function type), ax
(the unique inhabitant of the unit type), app
(function application), and lam
(function introduction). The operators are listed as a GADT that contains their sorts and arities.
module Operator = struct
type ('arity, 'sort) t =
| Unit : (ty, ty) t
| Arrow : (ty -> ty -> ty, ty) t
| Ax : (tm, tm) t
| App : (tm -> tm -> tm, tm) t
| Lam : (ty -> (tm -> tm -> tm, tm) t
let equal
: type a1 a2 s. (a1, s) t -> (a2, s) t -> (a1, a2) Tyabt.eq option =
fun op1 op2 -> match op1, op2 with
| App, App -> Some Refl
| Arrow, Arrow -> Some Refl
| Ax, Ax -> Some Refl
| Lam, Lam -> Some Refl
| Unit, Unit -> Some Refl
| _, _ -> None
let pp_print : type a s. Format.formatter -> (a, s) t -> unit =
fun fmt op ->
Format.pp_print_string fmt
(match op with
| Unit -> "unit"
| Arrow -> "arrow"
| Ax -> "ax"
| App -> "app"
| Lam -> "lam")
The modules can be passed to Make
to implement ABTs for the STLC.
module Syn = Tyabt.Make(Sort)(Operator)
open Operator
The following are utility functions for working with results:
let ( let+ ) res f = f res
let ( and+ ) res1 res2 = match res1, res2 with
| Ok x, Ok y -> Ok (x, y)
| Ok _, Error e -> Error e
| Error e, Ok _ -> Error e
| Error e, Error _ -> Error e
let ( and* ) = ( and+ )
let ( let* ) = Result.bind
Create a function for performing type inference:
let to_string term =
let buf = Buffer.create 32 in
let ppf = Format.formatter_of_buffer buf in
Syn.pp_print ppf term;
Format.pp_print_flush ppf ();
Buffer.contents buf
let rec infer
(gamma : (tm Syn.Variable.t * ty Syn.t) list)
(term : tm Syn.t)
: (ty Syn.t, string) result =
match Syn.out term with
| Op(Ax, Syn.[]) -> Ok (Syn.op Unit Syn.[])
| Op(Lam, Syn.[in_ty; abstr]) ->
let Abs(var, body) = Syn.out abstr in
let+ out_ty = infer ((var, in_ty) :: gamma) body in
Syn.op Arrow Syn.[in_ty; out_ty]
| Op(App, Syn.[f; arg]) ->
let* f_ty = infer gamma f
and* arg_ty = infer gamma arg in
begin match Syn.out f_ty with
| Op(Arrow, Syn.[in_ty; out_ty]) ->
if Syn.aequiv in_ty arg_ty then
Ok out_ty
Error ("Expected argument of type " ^ to_string in_ty ^
", got argument of type " ^ to_string arg_ty ^ "!")
| _ ->
Error ("Expected function, got term of type " ^ to_string f_ty ^ "!")
| Var v -> Ok (List.assoc v gamma)
For the dynamic semantics, we will define a small-step interpreter. An interpreter result can either be a step, a value, or an error:
type progress = Step of tm Syn.t | Val | Err
The interpreter shall use call-by-value (CBV), meaning that function arguments are evaluated to values before being substituted into the function.
let rec cbv (term : tm Syn.t) =
match Syn.out term with
| Op(Ax, Syn.[]) -> Val
| Op(Lam, Syn.[_; _]) -> Val
| Op(App, Syn.[f; arg]) ->
begin match cbv f with
| Step next -> Step (Syn.op App Syn.[next; arg])
| Val ->
begin match cbv arg with
| Step next -> Step (Syn.op App Syn.[f; next])
| Val ->
begin match Syn.out f with
| Op(Lam, Syn.[_; abstr]) ->
let Abs(var, body) = Syn.out abstr in
Step (body |> Syn.subst Term begin fun var' ->
match Syn.Variable.equal var var' with
| Some Refl -> Some arg
| None -> None
| _ -> Err
| Err -> Err
| Err -> Err
| Var _ -> Err