package trace

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Callbacks used for subscribers.

Each subscriber defines a set of callbacks, for each possible tracing event. These callbacks take a custom state that is paired with the callbacks in Subscriber.t.

To use a default implementation for some callbacks, use:

module My_callbacks = struct
  type st = …

  include Trace_subscriber.Callbacks.Dummy

  let on_init (state:st) ~time_ns : unit = …

  (* … other custom callbacks … *)
module type S = sig ... end

First class module signature for callbacks

type 'st t = (module S with type st = 'st)

Callbacks for a subscriber. There is one callback per event in Trace. The type 'st is the state that is passed to every single callback.

module Dummy : sig ... end

Dummy callbacks. It can be useful to reuse some of these functions in a real subscriber that doesn't want to handle all events, but only some of them.

val dummy : unit -> 'st t

Dummy callbacks, ignores all events.


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