package tezos-legacy-store

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Raw_value : Store_sigs.VALUE with type t = Stdlib.Bytes.t
module Make_set (S : Store_sigs.STORE) (I : Store_sigs.INDEX) : Store_sigs.SET_STORE with type t = S.t and type elt = I.t
module Make_buffered_set (S : Store_sigs.STORE) (I : Store_sigs.INDEX) (Set : sig ... end) : Store_sigs.BUFFERED_SET_STORE with type t = S.t and type elt = I.t and module Set = Set
module Make_map (S : Store_sigs.STORE) (I : Store_sigs.INDEX) (V : Store_sigs.VALUE) : Store_sigs.MAP_STORE with type t = S.t and type key = I.t and type value = V.t
module Make_buffered_map (S : Store_sigs.STORE) (I : Store_sigs.INDEX) (V : Store_sigs.VALUE) (Map : sig ... end) : Store_sigs.BUFFERED_MAP_STORE with type t = S.t and type key = I.t and type value = V.t and module Map = Map
module Integer_index : Store_sigs.INDEX with type t = int

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