package tablecloth-base

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Functions for working with computations which may fail.

A Result is used to represent a computation which may fail.

A Result is a variant, which has a constructor for successful results (Ok 'ok), and one for unsuccessful results ((Error 'error)).

type ('ok, 'error) t =
  | Ok of 'ok
  | Error of 'error

Here is how you would annotate a Result variable whose Ok variant is an integer and whose Error variant is a string:

let ok: (int, string) Result.t = Ok 3
let error: (int, string) Result.t = Error "This computation failed!"

Note The 'error case can be of any type and while string is very common you could also use:

  • string List.t to allow errors to be accumulated
  • exn, in which case the result type just makes exceptions explicit in the return type
  • A variant or polymorphic variant, with one case per possible error. This is means each error can be dealt with explicitly. See this excellent article for more information on this approach.

If the function you are writing can only fail in a single obvious way, maybe you want an Option instead.

type ('ok, 'error) t = ('ok, 'error) result


val ok : 'ok -> ('ok, 'error) t

A function alternative to the Ok constructor which can be used in places where the constructor isn't permitted such as at the of a Fun.(|>) or functions like


String.reverse "desserts" |> Result.ok = Ok "stressed" [1; 2; 3] ~f:Result.ok = [Ok 1; Ok 2; Ok 3]
val error : 'error -> ('ok, 'error) t

A function alternative to the Error constructor which can be used in places where the constructor isn't permitted such as at the of a Fun.pipe or functions like


Int.negate 3 |> Result.error = Error (-3) [1; 2; 3] ~f:Result.error = [Error 1; Error 2; Error 3]
val attempt : (unit -> 'ok) -> ('ok, exn) t

Run the provided function and wrap the returned value in a Result, catching any exceptions raised.


Result.attempt (fun () -> 5 / 0) = Error Division_by_zero
let numbers = [|1; 2; 3|] in
Result.attempt (fun () -> numbers.(3)) =
  Error (Invalid_argument "index out of bounds")
val from_option : 'ok option -> error:'error -> ('ok, 'error) t

Convert an Option to a Result where a (Some value) becomes (Ok value) and a None becomes (Error error).


Result.from_option (Some 84) ~error:"Greater than 100" = Ok 84
Result.from_option None ~error:"Greater than 100" =
  Error "Greater than 100"
val is_ok : (_, _) t -> bool

Check if a Result is an Ok.

Useful when you want to perform some side effect based on the presence of an Ok like logging.

Note if you need access to the contained value rather than doing Result.is_ok followed by Result.unwrap_unsafe its safer and just as convenient to use pattern matching directly or use one of Result.and_then or


Result.is_ok (Ok 3) = true
Result.is_ok (Error 3) = false
val is_error : (_, _) t -> bool

Check if a Result is an Error.

Useful when you want to perform some side effect based on the presence of an Error like logging.

Note if you need access to the contained value rather than doing Result.is_ok followed by Result.unwrap_unsafe its safer and just as convenient to use pattern matching directly or use one of Result.and_then or


Result.is_error (Ok 3) = false
Result.is_error (Error 3) = true
val and_ : ('ok, 'error) t -> ('ok, 'error) t -> ('ok, 'error) t

Returns the first argument if it is_error, otherwise return the second argument.

Unlike the Bool.(&&) operator, the and_ function does not short-circuit. When you call and_, both arguments are evaluated before being passed to the function.


Result.and_ (Ok "Antelope") (Ok "Salmon") = Ok "Salmon"
  (Error (`UnexpectedBird "Finch"))
  (Ok "Salmon")
  = Error (`UnexpectedBird "Finch")
  (Ok "Antelope")
  (Error (`UnexpectedBird "Finch"))
    = Error (`UnexpectedBird "Finch")
  (Error (`UnexpectedInvertebrate "Honey Bee"))
  (Error (`UnexpectedBird "Finch"))
    = Error (`UnexpectedInvertebrate "Honey Bee")
val or_ : ('ok, 'error) t -> ('ok, 'error) t -> ('ok, 'error) t

Return the first argument if it is_ok, otherwise return the second.

Unlike the built in || operator, the or_ function does not short-circuit. When you call or_, both arguments are evaluated before being passed to the function.


Result.or_ (Ok "Boar") (Ok "Gecko") = (Ok "Boar")
Result.or_ (Error (`UnexpectedInvertebrate "Periwinkle")) (Ok "Gecko") = (Ok "Gecko")
Result.or_ (Ok "Boar") (Error (`UnexpectedInvertebrate "Periwinkle")) = (Ok "Boar") 
Result.or_ (Error (`UnexpectedInvertebrate "Periwinkle")) (Error (`UnexpectedBird "Robin")) = (Error (`UnexpectedBird "Robin"))
val or_else : ('ok, 'error) t -> ('ok, 'error) t -> ('ok, 'error) t
val both : ('a, 'error) t -> ('b, 'error) t -> ('a * 'b, 'error) t

Combine two results, if both are Ok returns an Ok containing a Tuple2 of the values.

If either is an Error, returns the first Error.

The same as writing Result.map2 ~f:Tuple2.make.


Result.both (Ok "Badger") (Ok "Rhino") = Ok ("Dog", "Rhino")
Result.both (Error (`UnexpectedBird "Flamingo")) (Ok "Rhino") =
  (Error (`UnexpectedBird "Flamingo"))
  (Ok "Badger")
  (Error (`UnexpectedInvertebrate "Blue ringed octopus")) =
    (Error (`UnexpectedInvertebrate "Blue ringed octopus"))
  (Error (`UnexpectedBird "Flamingo"))
  (Error (`UnexpectedInvertebrate "Blue ringed octopus")) =
    (Error (`UnexpectedBird "Flamingo"))
val flatten : (('ok, 'error) t, 'error) t -> ('ok, 'error) t

Collapse a nested result, removing one layer of nesting.


Result.flatten (Ok (Ok 2)) = Ok 2
Result.flatten (Ok (Error (`UnexpectedBird "Peregrin falcon"))) =
  (Error (`UnexpectedBird "Peregrin falcon"))
Result.flatten (Error (`UnexpectedInvertebrate "Woodlouse")) =
  (Error (`UnexpectedInvertebrate "Woodlouse"))
val unwrap : ('ok, 'error) t -> default:'ok -> 'ok

Unwrap a Result using the ~default value in case of an Error.


Result.unwrap ~default:0 (Ok 12) = 12
Result.unwrap ~default:0 ((Error (`UnexpectedBird "Ostrich"))) = 0
val unwrap_lazy : ('ok, 'error) t -> default:'ok Lazy.t -> 'ok

Unwrap a Result using the Lazy.force default value in case of an Error


Result.unwrap_lazy ~default:(lazy 0) (Ok 12) = 12
Result.unwrap_lazy ~default:(lazy 0) ((Error (`UnexpectedBird "Ostrich"))) = 0
val unwrap_unsafe : ('ok, _) t -> 'ok

Unwrap a Result, raising an exception in case of an Error.


Raises an Invalid_argument "Result.unwrap_unsafe called with an Error" exception.


Result.unwrap_unsafe (Ok 12) = 12
Result.unwrap_unsafe (Error "bad") 
val unwrap_error : ('ok, 'error) t -> default:'error -> 'error

Like Result.unwrap but unwraps an Error value instead.


  (Error (`UnexpectedBird "Swallow"))
  ~default:(`UnexpectedInvertebrate "Ladybird") =
    `UnexpectedBird "Swallow"
  (Ok 5)
  ~default:(`UnexpectedInvertebrate "Ladybird") =
    `UnexpectedInvertebrate "Ladybird"
val map2 : ('a, 'error) t -> ('b, 'error) t -> f:('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> ('c, 'error) t

Combine two results.

If one of the results is an Error, that becomes the return result.

If both are Error values, returns its first.


Result.map2 (Ok 7) (Ok 3) ~f:Int.add = Ok 10
Result.map2 (Error "A") (Ok 3) ~f:Int.add = Error "A"
Result.map2 (Ok 7) (Error "B") ~f:Int.add = Error "B"
Result.map2 (Error "A") (Error "B") ~f:Int.add = Error "A"
val values : ('ok, 'error) t list -> ('ok list, 'error) t

If all of the elements of a list are Ok, returns an Ok of the the list of unwrapped values.

If any of the elements are an Error, the first one encountered is returned.


Result.values [Ok 1; Ok 2; Ok 3; Ok 4] = Ok [1; 2; 3; 4]
Result.values [Ok 1; Error "two"; Ok 3; Error "four"] = Error "two"
val combine : ('ok, 'error) result list -> ('ok list, 'error) result

Result.combine results takes a list of Result values. If all the elements in results are of the form Ok x, then Result.combine creates a list xs of all the values extracted from their Oks, and returns Ok xs

If any of the elements in results are of the form Error err, the first of them is returned as the result of Result.combine.


Result.combine [Ok 1; Ok 2; Ok 3; Ok 4] = Ok [1; 2; 3; 4]
Result.combine [Ok 1; Error "two"; Ok 3; Error "four"] = Error "two"
val map : ('a, 'error) t -> f:('a -> 'b) -> ('b, 'error) t

Transforms the 'ok in a result using f. Leaves the 'error untouched.

Examples (Ok 3) ~f:(Int.add 1) = Ok 9 (Error "three") ~f:(Int.add 1) = Error "three"
val map_error : ('ok, 'a) t -> f:('a -> 'b) -> ('ok, 'b) t

Transforms the value in an Error using f. Leaves an Ok untouched.


Result.map_error (Ok 3) ~f:String.reverse = Ok 3
Result.map_error (Error "bad") ~f:String.reverse  = Error "dab"
val and_then : ('a, 'error) t -> f:('a -> ('b, 'error) t) -> ('b, 'error) t

Run a function which may fail on a result.

Short-circuits of called with an Error.


let reciprical (x:float) : (float, string) Result.t = (
  if (x = 0.0) then
    Error "Divide by zero"
    Ok (1.0 /. x)

let root (x:float) : (float, string) Result.t = (
  if (x < 0.0) then
    Error "Cannot be negative"
    Ok (Float.square_root x)
Result.and_then ~f:reciprical (Ok 4.0) = Ok 0.25
Result.and_then ~f:reciprical (Error "Missing number!") = Error "Missing number!"
Result.and_then ~f:reciprical (Ok 0.0) = Error "Divide by zero"
Result.and_then (Ok 4.0) ~f:root  |> Result.and_then ~f:reciprical = Ok 0.5
Result.and_then (Ok (-2.0)) ~f:root |> Result.and_then ~f:reciprical = Error "Cannot be negative"
Result.and_then (Ok 0.0) ~f:root |> Result.and_then ~f:reciprical = Error "Divide by zero"
val tap : ('ok, _) t -> f:('ok -> unit) -> unit

Run a function against an (Ok value), ignores Errors.


Result.tap (Ok "Dog") ~f:print_endline
(* prints "Dog" *)


val to_option : ('ok, _) t -> 'ok option

Convert a Result to an Option.

An Ok x becomes Some x

An Error _ becomes None


Result.to_option (Ok 42) = Some 42
Result.to_option (Error "Missing number!") = None


val equal : ('ok -> 'ok -> bool) -> ('error -> 'error -> bool) -> ('ok, 'error) t -> ('ok, 'error) t -> bool

Test two results for equality using the provided functions.


Result.equal Int.equal String.equal (Ok 3) (Ok 3) = true
Result.equal Int.equal String.equal (Ok 3) (Ok 4) = false
Result.equal Int.equal String.equal (Error "Fail") (Error "Fail") = true
Result.equal Int.equal String.equal (Error "Expected error") (Error "Unexpected error") = false
Result.equal Int.equal String.equal (Error "Fail") (Ok 4) = false
val compare : f:('ok -> 'ok -> int) -> g:('error -> 'error -> int) -> ('ok, 'error) t -> ('ok, 'error) t -> int

Compare results for using the provided f and g functions. f will be used to compare Ok's and g will be used on Errors.

In the case when one of the results is an Error and one is Ok, Errors are considered 'less' then Oks.

Examples (Ok 3) (Ok 3) = 0 (Ok 3) (Ok 4) = (-1) (Error "Fail") (Error "Fail") = 0 (Error "Fail") (Ok 4) = (-1) (Ok 4) (Error "Fail") = 1 (Error "Expected error") (Error "Unexpected error") = -1


In functions that make heavy use of Results operators can make code significantly more concise at the expense of placing a greater cognitive burden on future readers.

val (|?) : ('a, 'error) t -> 'a -> 'a

An operator version of Result.unwrap where the default value goes to the right of the operator.


The following eamples assume open Result.Infix is in scope.

Ok 4 |? 8 = 4
Error "Missing number!" |? 8 = 8
val (>>=) : ('ok, 'error) t -> ('ok -> ('b, 'error) t) -> ('b, 'error) t

An operator version of and_then


The following examples assume

open Result.Infix

let reciprical (x:float) : (string, float) Standard.Result.t =
  if (x = 0.0) then
    Error "Divide by zero"
    Ok (1.0 /. x)

Is in scope.

Ok 4. >>= reciprical = Ok 0.25
Error "Missing number!" >>= reciprical = Error "Missing number!"
Ok 0. >>= reciprical = Error "Divide by zero"
val (>>|) : ('a, 'error) t -> ('a -> 'b) -> ('b, 'error) t

An operator version of map


The following examples assume open Result.Infix is in scope.

Ok 4 >>| Int.add(1) = Ok 5
Error "Its gone bad" >>| Int.add(1) = Error "Its gone bad"
val pp : (Format.formatter -> 'ok -> unit) -> (Format.formatter -> 'error -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> ('ok0, 'error0) t -> unit

Result.pp err_format ok_format dest_format result "pretty-prints" the result, using err_format if the result is an Error value or ok_format if the result is an Ok value. dest_format is a formatter that tells where to send the output.

let good: (int, string) Result.t = Ok 42 in
let not_good: (int, string) Tablecloth.Result.t = Error "bad" in
Result.pp Format.pp_print_int Format.pp_print_string Format.std_formatter good;
Result.pp Format.pp_print_int Format.pp_print_string Format.std_formatter not_good;
Format.pp_print_newline Format.std_formatter ();
(* prints <ok: 42><error: bad>*)

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