package speed

  1. Overview
  2. Docs


module D : Domain.DOMAIN


type ('a, 'b) setup_stack =
  1. | Root : (unit Domain.test_input -> 'a) -> (unit, 'a) setup_stack
  2. | Stack : ('a, 'b) setup_stack * ('b Domain.test_input -> 'c) -> ('a, 'c) setup_stack
val filter_suite : 'a. 'a D.t -> 'a D.t
val filter_suite_mixed : 'a. 'a D.child_suite -> 'a D.child_suite
val start_group : string option -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> suite_result -> (suite_result -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'c) -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'c
val start_example : string -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> suite_result -> (suite_result -> (suite_result -> ExampleRunner.test_outcome -> 'a) -> 'b) -> (suite_result -> 'a) -> 'b
val run_setup : 'b. metadata list -> (unit, 'b) setup_stack -> 'b
val run_ex : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> suite_result -> 'a D.example -> Speed_domain.Metadata.t list -> (unit, 'a) setup_stack -> (suite_result -> 'b Runner.cont_result) -> 'b Runner.cont_result
val run_child_suite : 'a. Stdlib.Format.formatter -> suite_result -> 'a D.t -> metadata list -> (unit, 'a) setup_stack -> 'b Runner.cont_result continuation
val run_suite : ?fmt:Stdlib.Format.formatter -> ?filter:bool -> ?ctx:suite_result -> unit D.t -> (suite_result -> 'a Runner.cont_result) -> 'a Runner.cont_result
val wait : 'a Runner.cont_result -> 'a
val run_suite_return : ?fmt:Stdlib.Format.formatter -> unit D.t -> suite_result Runner.cont_result
val run_suite_wait : ?fmt:Stdlib.Format.formatter -> unit D.t -> suite_result
val is_success : suite_result -> bool
val get_no_of_failing_examples : suite_result -> int
val get_no_of_passing_examples : suite_result -> int
val consume_test_result : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> suite_result -> 'a
val has_focused : 'a D.t -> bool

This runs the test suite and exits the program. If the test suite is successful, it will exit with exit code zero, otherwise it will exit with exit code 1.


Innovation. Community. Security.