package pyml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Low-level bindings.

The library has to be initialized via Py.initialize first.

val _py_nonestruct : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val _py_truestruct : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val py_exit : int -> 'a
val py_getversion : unit -> string
val py_getplatform : unit -> string
val py_getcopyright : unit -> string
val py_getcompiler : unit -> string
val py_getbuildinfo : unit -> string
val py_fdisinteractive : Unix.file_descr Pytypes.file -> string -> int
val py_initialize : unit -> unit
val pybool_type : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pycapsule_type : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pycallable_check : Pytypes.pyobject -> int
val pydict_clear : Pytypes.pyobject -> unit
val pydict_copy : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pydict_delitem : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject -> int
val pydict_delitemstring : Pytypes.pyobject -> string -> int
val pydict_getitemstring : Pytypes.pyobject -> string -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pydict_keys : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pydict_items : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pydict_new : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pydict_setitem : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject -> int
val pydict_setitemstring : Pytypes.pyobject -> string -> Pytypes.pyobject -> int
val pydict_size : Pytypes.pyobject -> int
val pydict_values : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyerr_clear : unit -> unit
val pyerr_exceptionmatches : Pytypes.pyobject -> int
val pyerr_givenexceptionmatches : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject -> int
val pyerr_occurred : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyerr_print : unit -> unit
val pyerr_printex : int -> unit
val pyerr_setnone : Pytypes.pyobject -> unit
val pyerr_setstring : Pytypes.pyobject -> string -> unit
val pyerr_setobject : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject -> unit
val pyeval_callobjectwithkeywords : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyeval_getbuiltins : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyeval_getglobals : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyeval_getlocals : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyexc_baseexception : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyexc_exception : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyexc_stopiteration : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyexc_generatorexit : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyexc_arithmeticerror : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyexc_lookuperror : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyexc_assertionerror : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyexc_attributeerror : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyexc_buffererror : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyexc_eoferror : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyexc_floatingpointerror : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyexc_oserror : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyexc_importerror : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyexc_indexerror : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyexc_keyerror : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyexc_keyboardinterrupt : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyexc_memoryerror : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyexc_nameerror : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyexc_overflowerror : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyexc_runtimeerror : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyexc_notimplementederror : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyexc_syntaxerror : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyexc_indentationerror : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyexc_taberror : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyexc_referenceerror : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyexc_systemerror : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyexc_systemexit : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyexc_typeerror : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyexc_unboundlocalerror : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyexc_unicodeerror : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyexc_unicodeencodeerror : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyexc_unicodedecodeerror : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyexc_unicodetranslateerror : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyexc_valueerror : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyexc_zerodivisionerror : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyexc_environmenterror : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyexc_ioerror : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyexc_recursionerrorinst : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyexc_warning : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyexc_userwarning : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyexc_deprecationwarning : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyexc_pendingdeprecationwarning : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyexc_syntaxwarning : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyexc_runtimewarning : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyexc_futurewarning : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyexc_importwarning : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyexc_unicodewarning : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyexc_byteswarning : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyfloat_asdouble : Pytypes.pyobject -> float
val pyfloat_fromdouble : float -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyfloat_type : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pygilstate_check : unit -> int
val pygilstate_ensure : unit -> int
val pygilstate_release : int -> unit
val pyimport_addmodule : string -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyimport_cleanup : unit -> unit
val pyimport_execcodemodule : string -> Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyimport_execcodemoduleex : string -> Pytypes.pyobject -> string -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyimport_getmagicnumber : unit -> int64
val pyimport_getmoduledict : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyimport_importfrozenmodule : string -> int
val pyimport_import : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyimport_importmodule : string -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyimport_importmodulelevel : string -> Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject -> int -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyimport_reloadmodule : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyiter_next : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pylist_new : int -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pylist_getitem : Pytypes.pyobject -> int -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pylist_setitem : Pytypes.pyobject -> int -> Pytypes.pyobject -> int
val pylist_size : Pytypes.pyobject -> int
val pylong_aslong : Pytypes.pyobject -> int64
val pylong_fromlong : int64 -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pymapping_check : Pytypes.pyobject -> int
val pymapping_getitemstring : Pytypes.pyobject -> string -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pymapping_haskey : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject -> int
val pymapping_haskeystring : Pytypes.pyobject -> string -> int
val pymapping_length : Pytypes.pyobject -> int
val pymapping_setitemstring : Pytypes.pyobject -> string -> Pytypes.pyobject -> int
val pymapping_size : Pytypes.pyobject -> int
val pymarshal_readobjectfromfile : Unix.file_descr Pytypes.file -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pymarshal_readlastobjectfromfile : Unix.file_descr Pytypes.file -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pymarshal_readobjectfromstring : string -> int -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pymarshal_writeobjecttofile : Pytypes.pyobject -> Unix.file_descr Pytypes.file -> int -> int
val pymarshal_writeobjecttostring : Pytypes.pyobject -> int -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pymethod_function : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pymethod_self : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pymodule_addobject : Pytypes.pyobject -> string -> Pytypes.pyobject -> int
val pymodule_getdict : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pymodule_getfilename : Pytypes.pyobject -> string option
val pymodule_getname : Pytypes.pyobject -> string option
val pymodule_new : string -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pymodule_type : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pymodule_setdocstring : Pytypes.pyobject -> string -> int
val pynumber_absolute : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pynumber_check : Pytypes.pyobject -> int
val pynumber_float : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pynumber_floordivide : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pynumber_inplaceadd : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pynumber_inplaceand : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pynumber_inplacefloordivide : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pynumber_inplacelshift : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pynumber_inplacemultiply : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pynumber_inplaceor : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pynumber_inplaceremainder : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pynumber_inplacershift : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pynumber_inplacesubtract : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pynumber_inplacetruedivide : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pynumber_inplacexor : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pynumber_invert : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pynumber_long : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pynumber_multiply : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pynumber_negative : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pynumber_positive : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pynumber_remainder : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pynumber_subtract : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pynumber_truedivide : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyobject_delitem : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject -> int
val pyobject_delitemstring : Pytypes.pyobject -> string -> int
val pyobject_getattrstring : Pytypes.pyobject -> string -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyobject_getiter : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyobject_hasattr : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject -> int
val pyobject_hasattrstring : Pytypes.pyobject -> string -> int
val pyobject_hash : Pytypes.pyobject -> int64
val pyobject_istrue : Pytypes.pyobject -> int
val pyobject_isinstance : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject -> int
val pyobject_issubclass : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject -> int
val pyobject_not : Pytypes.pyobject -> int
val pyobject_print : Pytypes.pyobject -> Unix.file_descr Pytypes.file -> int -> int
val pyobject_repr : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyobject_richcomparebool : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject -> -> int
val pyobject_setattr : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject -> int
val pyobject_setattrstring : Pytypes.pyobject -> string -> Pytypes.pyobject -> int
val pyobject_setitem : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject -> int
val pyobject_size : Pytypes.pyobject -> int
val pyobject_str : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyobject_type : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyrun_anyfileexflags : Unix.file_descr Pytypes.file -> string -> int -> int ref option -> int
val pyrun_fileexflags : Unix.file_descr Pytypes.file -> string -> Pytypes.input -> Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject -> int -> int ref option -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyrun_interactiveoneflags : Unix.file_descr Pytypes.file -> string -> int ref option -> int
val pyrun_interactiveloopflags : Unix.file_descr Pytypes.file -> string -> int ref option -> int
val pyrun_simplefileexflags : Unix.file_descr Pytypes.file -> string -> int -> int ref option -> int
val pyrun_stringflags : string -> Pytypes.input -> Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject -> int ref option -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyrun_simplestringflags : string -> int ref option -> int
val pyseqiter_new : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pysequence_check : Pytypes.pyobject -> int
val pysequence_concat : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pysequence_contains : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject -> int
val pysequence_count : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject -> int
val pysequence_delitem : Pytypes.pyobject -> int -> int
val pysequence_delslice : Pytypes.pyobject -> int -> int -> int
val pysequence_fast : Pytypes.pyobject -> string -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pysequence_getitem : Pytypes.pyobject -> int -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pysequence_getslice : Pytypes.pyobject -> int -> int -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pysequence_in : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject -> int
val pysequence_index : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject -> int
val pysequence_inplaceconcat : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pysequence_inplacerepeat : Pytypes.pyobject -> int -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pysequence_length : Pytypes.pyobject -> int
val pysequence_list : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pysequence_repeat : Pytypes.pyobject -> int -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pysequence_setitem : Pytypes.pyobject -> int -> Pytypes.pyobject -> int
val pysequence_setslice : Pytypes.pyobject -> int -> int -> Pytypes.pyobject -> int
val pysequence_size : Pytypes.pyobject -> int
val pysequence_tuple : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pyset_add : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject -> int
val pyset_contains : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject -> int
val pyset_clear : Pytypes.pyobject -> unit
val pyset_discard : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject -> int
val pyset_size : Pytypes.pyobject -> int
val pyset_type : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pytuple_getitem : Pytypes.pyobject -> int -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pytuple_getslice : Pytypes.pyobject -> int -> int -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pytuple_new : int -> Pytypes.pyobject
val pytuple_setitem : Pytypes.pyobject -> int -> Pytypes.pyobject -> int
val pytuple_size : Pytypes.pyobject -> int
val pytype_issubtype : Pytypes.pyobject -> Pytypes.pyobject -> int
val pytype_type : unit -> Pytypes.pyobject
module Python2 : sig ... end

Python 2 specific bindings.

module UCS2 : sig ... end

UCS2 specific bindings.

module UCS4 : sig ... end

UCS4 specific bindings.

module Python3 : sig ... end

Python 3 specific bindings.

module Pycaml : sig ... end

Automatic wrappers for Pycaml_compat.


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