package ppx_traverse
Automatic generation of open-recursion classes
Dune Dependency
#+TITLE: ppx-traverse #+PARENT: ../ Ppx\_traverse is a [[][ppx_type_conv]] plugin generating open recursion classes from type definition. Users can overwrite a specific method of the generated classes in order to specialize the recursion on specific nodes. Ppx\_traverse is in particular used to generatd the open recursion classes to traverse the OCaml AST in [[][ppx_core]]. For instance, this is the kind of code generated (the generated code is between the =[@@deriving_inline ...]= and =[@@@end]=): #+begin_src ocaml type expression = | Var of string | Const of int | Add of expression * expression | If conditional * expression * expression and cond = | Cond_var of string | Cond_const of bool | Cond_and of cond * condit [@@deriving_inline traverse_map] class map = object(self) method virtual int : int -> int method virtual string : string -> string method virtual int : int -> int method expression = function | Var x -> Var (self#string x) | Const x -> Const (self#int x) | Add (x, y) -> Add (self#expression x, self#expression y) | If (x, y, z) -> If (self#cond x, self#expression y, self#expression z) method cond = function | Cond_var x -> Cond_var (self#string x) | Cond_const x -> Cond_const (self#bool x) | Cond_and (x, y) -> Cond_and (self#cond x, self#cond y) [@@end] #+end_src Now if you wanted to do a deep-copy of an expression, replacing boolean variable =foo= by =true=: #+begin_src ocaml let replace_var = object inherit inherit map as super method cond = function | Cond_var "foo" -> Cond_const true | c -> super#cond c end let replace_var expr = replace_var replace_var#expression expr #+end_src contains the definition for all the builtin types, such as =int=, =string=, =list=, ... This module is distributed in a separate [[][ppx_traverse_bultins]] package to break a circular dependency between Ppx\_core and Ppx\_traverse. ** Classes Ppx\_traverse can generate the following classes: =map=, =iter=, =fold=, =fold_map=, =map_with_context=, =lift=. =[@@deriving traverse]= is an alias to generate all the supported classes. =lift= is a special class that is mostly useful to lift an OCaml constant to the AST that represent this constant. To do so, you can use =ppx_metaquot.lifters= from [[][ppx_metaquot]]: #+begin_src ocaml type t = { x : int; y : int } [@@deriving traverse_lift] let expression_of_t ~loc t : Ast.expression = let lift = object inherit Ppx_metaquot_lifters.expression_lifters loc inherit lift end in lift#t t #+end_src
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"