package piqi

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Protocol Buffers, JSON and XML serialization system for OCaml


Dune Dependency







Piqi-ocaml 0.7.8 (Aug 05, 2019)

- Add support for the dune build system and use it from OPAM by default
- Switch CI setup from Travis to GH Actions

Piqi-ocaml 0.7.7 (Oct 12, 2019)

- Switch from Pervasives to Stdlib

Piqi-ocaml 0.7.6 (Sep 13, 2018)

- Fix sometimes incorrect handling of unknown fields (--gen-preserve-unknown-fields)
- (new) add support for .internal flag for fields that should be defined in OCaml but
  skipped during serialization/deserialization

Piqi-ocaml 0.7.5 (May 31, 2016)

- Switch to tail-recursive in the runtime library
- (new feature) Support for overriding ocaml name of an imported module

Piqi-ocaml 0.7.4 (Mar 13, 2015)

- Fix build and tests for OCaml < 4.02.0

Piqi-ocaml 0.7.3 (Mar 13, 2015)

- Fix compilation warnings for OCaml >= 4.02

Piqi-ocaml 0.7.2 (May 17, 2014)

New features:

  - Automatically prefix OCaml keywords and user-specified reserved names with
    underscores in generated OCaml code (thanks to Petter Urkedal)

Piqi-ocaml 0.7.1 (April 17, 2014)


  - 'piqic-ocaml --normalize-names' should be true by default

Other changes:

  - piqic-ocaml: indent generated .ml code instead of relying on camlp4o

Piqi-ocaml 0.7.0 (April 7, 2014)

The main change of this release is the rewrite of the "piqic-ocaml" code
generator on top of "piqi compile" interfaces. As a result, we were able to move
the piqi-ocaml code from the main Piqi project repository into its own
piqi-ocaml repo.

Other important changes:

  - "piqic ocaml" becomes "piqic-ocaml"
  - "piqic ocaml-ext" turns into "piqic-ocaml --ext"
  - "piqirun" becomes a package with two subpackages: piqirun.pb -- for Protobuf
    serialization and piqirun.ext -- for multi-format serialization; piqirun.pb
    should be now used instead of piqirun package and piqirun.ext -- instead of
  - "--gen-defaults" compiler option is deprecated. "piqic-ocaml" now generates
    _piqi.default_X automatically
  - Much more cleaner and stable interfaces in the piqilib dependency (those
    that piqi-ocaml depends on); this allows us to release piqilib and
    piqi-ocaml independently
  - Drop support for OCaml <= 3.11
  - Deprecate and remove "pa_openin" camlp4 extension; "pa_labelscope"
    extensions is kept for now as a part of the piqilib package so that existing
    programs can still use it
  - Deprecate and remove "piqic-ocaml -o <ofile>" command-line option


  - Fix generation of incorrect code for custom OCaml types

New features:

  - Preserve unknown Protobuf fields through deserialization-serialization cycle
    (new piqic-ocaml --gen-preserve-unknown-fields flag)
  - New conversion options: piq_frameless_output, piq_frameless_input,
  - Add the ability to specify conversion options for generated
    _piqi_ext.print_/prerr_ functions
  - Add piqic-ocaml --piqi-version flag for printing piqilib version
  - Add piqic-ocaml --runtime <module> option for specifying the name of the
    Protobuf serialization runtime module (default = Piqirun)


  - Rename conversion option: json_omit_null_fields -> json_omit_missing_fields
  - Improved piqi-ocaml documentation (available at doc/
  - Continuous builds via Travis-CI

Piqi 0.6.5 (October 27, 2013)

  Changelog for v0.6.5 and earlier releases is available here (the piqi-ocaml
  project used to be a subtree in the piqi repository):


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