And let Dune generate the Opam file for you. Or you can add it directly to your .opam file:
depends: [
Here's a sample application that serves a schema with a node user:
open Opium
module Schema = struct
open Graphql_lwt
type context = unit
type user =
{ id : int
; name : string
let users = [ { id = 1; name = "Alice" }; { id = 2; name = "Bob" } ]
let user : (context, user option) Graphql_lwt.Schema.typ =
obj "user" ~doc:"A user in the system" ~fields:(fun _ ->
[ field
~doc:"Unique user identifier"
~typ:(non_null int)
~resolve:(fun _info p ->
; field
~typ:(non_null string)
~resolve:(fun _info p ->
let schema =
[ field
~typ:(non_null (list (non_null user)))
~resolve:(fun _info () -> users)
let graphql =
let handler = Opium_graphql.make_handler ~make_context:(fun _req -> ()) Schema.schema in
Opium.App.all "/" handler
let graphiql =
let handler = Opium_graphql.graphiql_handler ~graphql_endpoint:"/" in
Opium.App.get "/graphiql" handler
let _ =
Logs.set_reporter (Logs_fmt.reporter ());
Logs.set_level (Some Logs.Debug);
App.empty |> graphql |> graphiql |> App.run_command
The example provides two endpoints:
/ that serves the actual GraphQL API
/graphiql that serves the GraphiQL tool
To test the API, you can go on the GraphiQL tool and run the following query: