package octez-smart-rollup-wasm-debugger-lib

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val error : Tezos_webassembly_interpreter.Source.region -> string -> string -> 'a Tezos_base.TzPervasives.tzresult Lwt.t
val trap_exn : (unit -> 'a Lwt.t) -> 'b Tezos_base.TzPervasives.tzresult Lwt.t
val read_file : Lwt_io.file_name -> string Lwt.t
type integer_value_kind = [
  1. | `U16
  2. | `I32
  3. | `I64
  4. | `U128
  5. | `U256
type printable_value_kind = [
  1. | integer_value_kind
  2. | `Hex
  3. | `String
  4. | `Custom of bytes -> string
val integer_value_kind_of_string : string -> [> `I32 | `I64 | `U128 | `U16 | `U256 ] option
val find_encoding : string -> [> `Custom of bytes -> string | `I32 | `I64 | `U128 | `U16 | `U256 ] option
val integer_value_kind_to_string : [< `I32 | `I64 | `U128 | `U16 | `U256 ] -> string
val value_kind_length : [< `I32 | `I64 | `U128 | `U16 | `U256 ] -> int
val printable_value_kind_of_string : string -> [> `Custom of bytes -> string | `Hex | `I32 | `I64 | `String | `U128 | `U16 | `U256 ] option
val print_wasm_encoded_value : printable_value_kind -> string -> (string, string) Stdlib.result

Innovation. Community. Security.