package octez-protocol-020-PsParisC-libs

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type 'collection t = {
  1. consensus : 'collection;
  2. votes : 'collection;
  3. anonymous : 'collection;
  4. managers : 'collection;

Generic base type for pools

type pool = Operation_set.t t

A pool of operations for a single origin, or undifferenciated origin, typically used for operations coming from the node

A pool of operations for a single origin, or undifferenciated origin, typically used for operations coming from the node

val empty : pool

on pool

val pp_pool : Format.formatter -> pool -> unit

Ordered pool of operations

val empty_ordered : ordered_pool
val pp_ordered_pool : Format.formatter -> ordered_pool -> unit
val empty_payload : payload
val pp_payload : Format.formatter -> payload -> unit
val payload_of_ordered_pool : ordered_pool -> payload
val ordered_pool_of_payload : consensus_operations: Tezos_protocol_020_PsParisC.Protocol.Alpha_context.packed_operation list -> payload -> ordered_pool
val filter_with_relevant_consensus_ops : attestation_filter:consensus_filter -> preattestation_filter:consensus_filter option -> Operation_set.t -> Operation_set.t
module Prioritized_operation : sig ... end
module Prioritized_operation_set : sig ... end
module Prioritized : sig ... end

Pool of prioritized operations


Innovation. Community. Security.