package ocsigenserver

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

This type of maps is used to store cookie values for each path. The key has type Url.path option: it is for the path (default: root of the site).

module Map_inner : Map.S with type key := string

Type used for cookies to set. The float option is the timestamp for the expiration date. The string is the value. If the bool is true and the protocol is https, the cookie will be secure (will ask the browser to send it only through secure connections).

val empty : t
val add : path:Ocsigen_lib_base.Url_base.path -> string -> cookie -> t -> t

add ~path c v m adds the cookie c to m.

If the cookie is already bound, the previous binding disappear.

val add_multi : t -> t -> t

add_multi new old adds the cookies from new to old. If cookies are already bound in oldcookies, the previous binding disappear.

val remove : path:Ocsigen_lib_base.Url_base.path -> string -> t -> t

remove c cookie_table removes the cookie c from m.

Warning: it is not equivalent to add ... OUnset ...).

module Poly : sig ... end

Polymorphic versions of add and remove to use when we don't need to OUnset (client-side)


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