package ocaml-data-notation

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type module_name = string
type field_name = string
type variant_name = string
type var_name = string
type t =
  1. | REC of module_name * (field_name * t) list
  2. | LST of t list
  3. | STR of string
  4. | VRT of variant_name * t list
  5. | BOO of bool
  6. | INT of int
  7. | FLT of float
  8. | TPL of t list
  9. | UNT
  10. | APP of var_name * (var_name * t) list * t list
  11. | VAR of var_name
  12. | PVR of variant_name * t option
val of_unit : unit -> t
val of_bool : bool -> t
val of_string : string -> t
val of_int : int -> t
val of_float : float -> t
val of_option : ('a -> t) -> 'a option -> t
val of_list : ('a -> t) -> 'a list -> t
val of_tuple2 : (('a -> t) * ('b -> t)) -> ('a * 'b) -> t
val of_tuple3 : (('a -> t) * ('b -> t) * ('c -> t)) -> ('a * 'b * 'c) -> t
val of_tuple4 : (('a -> t) * ('b -> t) * ('c -> t) * ('d -> t)) -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd) -> t
val of_tuple5 : (('a -> t) * ('b -> t) * ('c -> t) * ('d -> t) * ('e -> t)) -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e) -> t
val pp_odn : ?opened_modules:string list -> Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val string_of_odn : ?opened_modules:string list -> t -> string

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