package metapp

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module type UnaryS = sig ... end
module type UnaryMakeS = sig ... end
module type MetapointsS = sig ... end
module type QuotationsS = sig ... end
module type MetapointS = sig ... end
module type QuotationS = sig ... end
module Exp : sig ... end
module Pat : sig ... end
module Typ : sig ... end
module Cty : sig ... end
module Ctf : sig ... end
module Cl : sig ... end
module Cf : sig ... end
module Mty : sig ... end
module Mod : sig ... end
module Sig : sig ... end
module Sigi : sig ... end
module Str : sig ... end
module Stri : sig ... end
module type MetapointsMakeS = sig ... end
module type MetapointsWithMakeS = sig ... end
module type QuotationsMakeS = sig ... end
module type QuotationsWithMakeS = sig ... end
module Metapoints (X : UnaryS) : MetapointsMakeS with type 'a x = 'a X.t
module Quotations (X : UnaryS) : QuotationsMakeS with type 'a x = 'a X.t
module MetapointName : sig ... end
val metapoint_name : MetapointName.t
module QuotationName : sig ... end
val quotation_name : QuotationName.t
module MetapointsWithMake (X : UnaryMakeS) : MetapointsWithMakeS with type 'a x = 'a X.t
module QuotationsWithMake (X : UnaryMakeS) : QuotationsWithMakeS with type 'a x = 'a X.t
module type Map = sig ... end
module MetapointMap (X : MetapointsS) (Y : MetapointsS) (M : Map with type 'a x = 'a X.x and type 'a y = 'a Y.x) : sig ... end
module QuotationMap (X : QuotationsS) (Y : QuotationsS) (M : Map with type 'a x = 'a X.x and type 'a y = 'a Y.x) : sig ... end
module OptionArray : sig ... end
module OptionArrayMetapoints : sig ... end
module LocationArray : sig ... end
module MetapointsLocation : sig ... end
module ArrayQuotation : sig ... end
module ArrayQuotations : QuotationsS with type 'a x = 'a ArrayQuotation.t
type context = ArrayQuotation.context
val top_context : context option ref

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