package lwd

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type 'a monoid = 'a * ('a -> 'a -> 'a)

A monoid, defined by a default element and an associative operation

val lift_monoid : 'a monoid -> 'a Lwd.t monoid

Use a monoid inside Lwd

List reduction functions

All reductions are balanced, relying on operator associativity.

fold_left would compute a chain like: fold f [a; b; c; d] = f a (f b (f c d)

reduce uses tree-shaped computations like: reduce f [a; b; c; d] = f (f a b) (f c d)

The depth of the computation grows in O(log n) where n is the length of the input sequence.

val pack : 'a monoid -> 'a Lwd.t list -> 'a Lwd.t

Reduce a list of elements in Lwd monad

val pack_seq : 'a monoid -> 'a Lwd.t Seq.t -> 'a Lwd.t

Reduce an (OCaml) Seq.t with a monoid

val reduce : 'a monoid -> 'a list -> 'a

Reduce a list with a monoid *

val map_reduce : ('a -> 'b) -> 'b monoid -> 'a list -> 'b

Map and reduce a list with a monoid *

Other Lwd list functions

val map_l : ('a -> 'b Lwd.t) -> 'a list -> 'b list Lwd.t
val flatten_l : 'a Lwd.t list -> 'a list Lwd.t

Commute Lwd and list

Miscellaneous functions

I don't know where to put these, but they are useful, especially for UI-related computations.

val mini : int -> int -> int

Minimum of two integers

val maxi : int -> int -> int

Maximum of two integers

val clampi : int -> min:int -> max:int -> int

Clamp an integer between two bounds.

val minf : float -> float -> float

Minimum of two floats

val maxf : float -> float -> float

Maximum of two floats

val clampf : float -> min:float -> max:float -> float

Clamp a float between two bounds.


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