package graphv
Graphv is a real time 2D rendering library for OCaml, supporting both native and web targets. It is based on the NanoVG C library. A live demo can be viewed here. If the fonts don't load, try refreshing the page.
Graphv is a performant pure OCaml 2D vector graphics renderer.
- Performance: Graphv is about 10% slower than the pure C implementation. It also matches the web performance when comparing against a WASM version of the C library.
- Advanced Shapes: Support for the even-odd rule and bezier curves allows complicated 2D shapes with holes to be rendered in a performant manner.
- Advanced Painting: Linear, radial, and box gradients are supported as well as image patterns. This allows shapes to be rendered with complicated patterns and subtle effects.
- OpenGL interoperation: Raw OpenGL calls can be used in addition to Graphv. Graphv uses minimal OpenGL state and can be composed with existing drawing.
- Minimal dependencies: Graphv does not depend on anything other than the Stdlib that ships with OCaml. Full implementations depend on minimal libraries for their platform. For example GLES2 native depends only on
and the web onjs_of_ocaml
Ready to use modules:
- Graphv_gles2_native: Native GLES2 implementation.
- Graphv_webgl: WebGL implementation.
Modules for creating a new backend:
- Graphv_core: Functor for making a new Graphv library.
- Graphv_gles2: Functor for creating a new OpenGL ES 2 based library.
- Graphv_font.Fontstash: Functor for creating a new Graphv font backend.
Getting Started
Installing with opam
Pick a platform implementation:
opam install graphv_gles2_native
for a native GLES2 implementation.
opam install graphv_webgl
for a WebGL implementation, for use with Js_of_ocaml.
This library does not provide context creation or GUI library support. That will be application depedent. For native contexts glfw
is recommended and can be installed with: opam install glfw-ocaml
For the web Js_of_ocaml should be installed with: opam install js_of_ocaml
Graphv requires a stencil buffer for the OpenGL (and WebGL) backends. Make sure a stencil buffer is present when creating the OpenGL context.
Creating your first application
The boilerplate needed depends on the platform you are developing for. In the source code repository there are two examples, one for native and one for web that show sample implementations. These can be found here.
A minimal native application can be made using two extra libraries, tgles2
and glfw-ocaml
. Install these through opam.
(name main)
open Tgles2
module NVG = Graphv_gles2_native
let _ =
at_exit GLFW.terminate;
GLFW.windowHint ~hint:GLFW.ClientApi ~value:GLFW.OpenGLESApi;
GLFW.windowHint ~hint:GLFW.ContextVersionMajor ~value:2;
GLFW.windowHint ~hint:GLFW.ContextVersionMinor ~value:0;
let window =
GLFW.createWindow ~width:400 ~height:400 ~title:"window" ()
GLFW.makeContextCurrent ~window:(Some window);
GLFW.swapInterval ~interval:1;
Gl.clear_color 0.3 0.3 0.32 1.;
let vg = NVG.create
~flags:NVG.CreateFlags.(antialias lor stencil_strokes)
while not GLFW.(windowShouldClose ~window) do
let win_w, win_h = GLFW.getWindowSize ~window in
Gl.viewport 0 0 win_w win_h;
Gl.clear (
lor Gl.depth_buffer_bit
lor Gl.stencil_buffer_bit
NVG.begin_frame vg
~width:(float win_w)
~height:(float win_h)
NVG.Path.begin_ vg;
NVG.Path.rect vg ~x:40. ~y:40. ~w:320. ~h:320.;
NVG.set_fill_color vg
~color:NVG.Color.(rgba ~r:154 ~g:203 ~b:255 ~a:200);
NVG.fill vg;
NVG.end_frame vg;
GLFW.swapBuffers ~window;
Once compiled the web demo should look like this.
(name main)
(modes byte js)
(preprocess (pps js_of_ocaml-ppx))
open Js_of_ocaml
module NVG = Graphv_webgl
(* This scales the canvas to match the DPI of the window,
it prevents blurriness when rendering to the canvas *)
let scale_canvas (canvas : Dom_html.canvasElement Js.t) =
let dpr = Dom_html.window##.devicePixelRatio in
let rect = canvas##getBoundingClientRect in
let width = rect##.right -. rect##.left in
let height = rect##.bottom -. in
canvas##.width := width *. dpr |> int_of_float;
canvas##.height := height *. dpr |> int_of_float;
let width = Printf.sprintf "%dpx" (int_of_float width) |> Js.string in
let height = Printf.sprintf "%dpx" (int_of_float height) |> Js.string in := width; := height;
let _ =
let canvas = Js.Unsafe.coerce (Dom_html.getElementById_exn "canvas") in
scale_canvas canvas;
let webgl_ctx =
(* Graphv requires a stencil buffer to work properly *)
let attrs = WebGL.defaultContextAttributes in
attrs##.stencil := Js._true;
match WebGL.getContextWithAttributes canvas attrs
|> Js.Opt.to_option
| None ->
print_endline "Sorry your browser does not support WebGL";
raise Exit
| Some ctx -> ctx
let open NVG in
let vg = create
~flags:CreateFlags.(antialias lor stencil_strokes)
(* File in this case is actually the CSS font name *)
Text.create vg ~name:"sans" ~file:"sans" |> ignore;
webgl_ctx##clearColor 0.3 0.3 0.32 1.;
let rec render (time : float) =
webgl_ctx##clear (
lor webgl_ctx##._DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT_
lor webgl_ctx##._STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT_
let device_ratio = Dom_html.window##.devicePixelRatio in
begin_frame vg
Transform.scale vg ~x:device_ratio ~y:device_ratio;
Path.begin_ vg;
Path.rect vg ~x:40. ~y:40. ~w:320. ~h:320.;
set_fill_color vg ~color:Color.(rgba ~r:154 ~g:203 ~b:255 ~a:200);
fill vg;
Transform.translate vg ~x:200. ~y:200.;
Transform.rotate vg ~angle:(time *. 0.0005);
Text.set_font_face vg ~name:"sans";
Text.set_size vg ~size:48.;
Text.set_align vg ~align:Align.(center lor middle);
set_fill_color vg ~color:Color.white;
Text.text vg ~x:0. ~y:0. "Hello World!";
NVG.end_frame vg;
Dom_html.window##requestAnimationFrame (Js.wrap_callback render)
|> ignore;
Dom_html.window##requestAnimationFrame (Js.wrap_callback render)
|> ignore;
Don't forget to change the script path to match wherever you are building this project from.
<!DOCTYPE> <html> <head> <style> html, body { width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: hidden; margin: 0; padding: 0; } div { display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; } canvas { width: 400px; height: 400px; } </style> </head> <body> <div> <canvas id='canvas'></canvas> </div> </body> <script type='text/javascript' defer src='../../_build/default/examples/web_doc/main.bc.js'> </script> </html>