package dockerfile-opam

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Run Opam commands across a matrix of Docker containers. Each of these containers represents a different version of OCaml, Opam and an OS distribution (such as Debian or Alpine).

Known distributions and OCaml variants

type t = [
  1. | `Alpine of [ `V3_3 | `V3_4 | `V3_5 | `V3_6 | `V3_7 | `Latest ]
  2. | `CentOS of [ `V6 | `V7 | `Latest ]
  3. | `Debian of [ `V9 | `V8 | `V7 | `Stable | `Testing | `Unstable ]
  4. | `Fedora of [ `V21 | `V22 | `V23 | `V24 | `V25 | `V26 | `V27 | `V28 | `Latest ]
  5. | `OracleLinux of [ `V7 | `Latest ]
  6. | `OpenSUSE of [ `V42_1 | `V42_2 | `V42_3 | `Latest ]
  7. | `Ubuntu of [ `V12_04 | `V14_04 | `V15_04 | `V15_10 | `V16_04 | `V16_10 | `V17_04 | `V17_10 | `V18_04 | `LTS | `Latest ]

Supported Docker container distributions

val sexp_of_t : t -> Ppx_sexp_conv_lib.Sexp.t
val t_of_sexp : Ppx_sexp_conv_lib.Sexp.t -> t
val __t_of_sexp__ : Ppx_sexp_conv_lib.Sexp.t -> t
val compare : t -> t -> int

compare a b is a lexical comparison function for t.

val resolve_alias : t -> t

resolve_alias t will resolve t into a concrete version. This removes versions such as Latest.

val distros : t list

Enumeration of the supported Docker container distributions

val latest_distros : t list

Enumeration of the latest stable (ideally LTS) supported distributions.

val master_distro : t

The distribution that is the top-level alias for the latest tag in the ocaml/opam2 Docker Hub build.

val builtin_ocaml_of_distro : t -> string option

builtin_ocaml_of_distro t will return the OCaml version supplied with the distribution packaging, and None if there is no supported version.

val tag_of_distro : t -> string

Convert a distribution to a Docker Hub tag. The full form of this is ocaml/TAG on the Docker Hub.

val distro_of_tag : string -> t option

distro_of_tag s parses s into a t distribution, and None otherwise.

val latest_tag_of_distro : t -> string

latest_tag_of_dsistro distro will generate a Docker Hub tag that is a convenient short form for the latest stable release of a particular distribution. This tag will be regularly rewritten to point to any new releases of the distribution.

val human_readable_string_of_distro : t -> string

human_readable_string_of_distro t returns a human readable version of the distribution tag, including version information.

val human_readable_short_string_of_distro : t -> string

human_readable_short_string_of_distro t returns a human readable short version of the distribution tag, excluding version information.

CPU architectures

type arch = [
  1. | `X86_64
  2. | `Aarch64
  3. | `Ppc64le

CPU Architectures

val sexp_of_arch : arch -> Ppx_sexp_conv_lib.Sexp.t
val arch_of_sexp : Ppx_sexp_conv_lib.Sexp.t -> arch
val __arch_of_sexp__ : Ppx_sexp_conv_lib.Sexp.t -> arch
val distro_arches : Ocaml_version.t -> t -> arch list

distro_arches ov t returns the list of architectures that distribution t is supported on for OCaml compiler version ov

val distro_supported_on : arch -> Ocaml_version.t -> t -> bool

distro_supported_on arch ov distro returns true if the combination of CPU arch, compiler version ov is available on the distribution distro.

Opam build infrastructure support

val active_distros : arch -> t list

active_distros arch returns the list of currently supported distributions in the opam build infrastructure. Distributions that are end-of-life upstream will rotate out of this list regularly.

val active_tier1_distros : arch -> t list

Tier 1 distributions are those supported for the full matrix of compiler versions in the opam build infrastructure.

val active_tier2_distros : arch -> t list

Tier 2 distributions are those supported for a limited set of compiler versions in the opam build infrastructure.


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