package dedukti

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type flag
val d_warn : flag
val d_notice : flag
val register_flag : string -> flag

register_flag msg generates a new flag with error message msg

val new_flag : bool -> string -> flag

Same as register flag, but with a bool enbling the flag by default

val enable_flag : flag -> unit

Activates error messages associated to a flag

val disable_flag : flag -> unit

Desactivates error messages associated to a flag

val debug : flag -> ('a, Format.formatter, unit, unit) format4 -> 'a

debug f prints information on the standard error channel if the given flag f is currently active.

val debug_eval : flag -> (unit -> unit) -> unit

debug_eval f (fun () -> body evaluates body if the given flag f is currently active.


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