package core_extended

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module Inode : sig ... end
module Limits : sig ... end
module Stat : sig ... end
module Statm : sig ... end
module Status : sig ... end
module Fd : sig ... end
type t = {
  1. pid : Core.Pid.t;

    Process ID

  2. cmdline : string;

    Command-line (not reliable).

  3. cwd : string option;

    Symlink to working directory.

  4. environ : string option;

    Process environment.

  5. exe : string option;

    Symlink to executed command.

  6. root : string option;

    Per-process root (e.g. chroot)

  7. limits : Limits.t option;

    Per-process rlimit settings

  8. stat : Stat.t;

    Status information.

  9. statm : Statm.t;

    Memory status information.

  10. status : Status.t;

    Some more assorted status information.

  11. task_stats : Stat.t Core.Pid.Map.t;

    Status information for each task (thread)

  12. top_command : string;

    Show what top would show for COMMAND

  13. fds : Fd.t list option;

    File descriptors

  14. oom_adj : int;

    OOM killer niceness range: -17 to +15

  15. oom_score : int;

    OOM "sacrifice" priority

include sig ... end
val oom_score : t -> int
val oom_adj : t -> int
val fds : t -> Fd.t list option
val top_command : t -> string
val task_stats : t -> Stat.t Core.Pid.Map.t
val status : t -> Status.t
val statm : t -> Statm.t
val stat : t -> Stat.t
val limits : t -> Limits.t option
val root : t -> string option
val exe : t -> string option
val environ : t -> string option
val cwd : t -> string option
val cmdline : t -> string
val pid : t -> Core.Pid.t
module Fields : sig ... end
val t_of_sexp : Ppx_sexp_conv_lib.Sexp.t -> t
val sexp_of_t : t -> Ppx_sexp_conv_lib.Sexp.t

Innovation. Community. Security.