package core_extended

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Unix like find.

type t
type file_info = string * Core.Unix.stats
module Options : sig ... end
val create : ?options:Options.t -> string -> t

create ?options dir create a Find.t based in dir

val next : t -> file_info option

next t return the next file from the collection of valid files in t or None if no more files remain

val close : t -> unit

close t drops all the resources associated with t. It is a mistake to attempt to use t again. Any Find.t will be automatically closed after the last file is read by any means.

val iter : t -> f:(file_info -> unit) -> unit

iter t ~f calls f on every file in t

val fold : t -> init:'a -> f:('a -> file_info -> 'a) -> 'a

fold t ~init ~f folds f over the files in t

val to_list : t -> file_info list

to_list t returns all of the remaining files in t as a list in the order they would have been returned by subsequent calls to next

val find_all : ?options:Options.t -> string -> file_info list

find_all ?options dir short for to_list (create ?options dir)


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