package core_bench

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Analysis_config : sig ... end
module Analysis_result : sig ... end
module Analysis_result_intf : sig ... end
module Bench : sig ... end

The purpose of functions in this module are documented in the Core_bench.Bench module

module Bench_command_column : sig ... end

A module internal to Core_bench. Please look at Bench.

module Defaults : sig ... end
module Display : sig ... end

A module internal to Core_bench. Please look at Bench.

module Display_column : sig ... end
module Display_config : sig ... end
module Linear_algebra : sig ... end

A module internal to Core_bench. Please look at Bench.

module Linear_algebra_wrapper : sig ... end

A module internal to Core_bench. Please look at Bench.

module Measurement : sig ... end

A module internal to Core_bench. Please look at Bench.

module Measurement_sample : sig ... end
module Quota : sig ... end
module Run_config : sig ... end
module Simplified_benchmark : sig ... end

A module internal to Core_Bench.

module Test : sig ... end

A module internal to Core_bench. Please look at Bench.

module Variable : sig ... end
module Verbosity : sig ... end

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