Module type
Class type
Abstract syntax tree folders.
Folders help with pushing abstract syntax tree folds in every node with a minimal amount of code by defaulting the cases you don't handle. The default fold returns the accumulator unchanged on leaves and otherwise propagates the fold to all children.
This is what you specify. Return `Default if you are not interested in handling the given case. Use fold_inline or fold_block with the given folder if you need to call the folder recursively.
make ?inline ?block () is a folder using inline and block to fold the abstract syntax tree. Both default to fun _ _ _ -> `Default.
The folder knows how to default the built-in abstract syntax tree and the built-in extensions. It folds them in document and depth-first order.
If you extend the abstract syntax tree you need to indicate how to default these new cases by providing inline_ext_default or block_ext_default functions. By default these functions raise Invalid_argument.
block_ext_default f is the block extension defaulter of f.
This example collects the languages present in the code blocks of a document.
let code_block_langs doc =
let open Cmarkit in
let module String_set = Set.Make (String) in
let block m acc = function
| Block.Code_block (cb, _) ->
let acc = match Block.Code_block.info_string cb with
| None -> acc
| Some (info, _) ->
match Block.Code_block.language_of_info_string info with
| None -> acc
| Some (lang, _) -> String_set.add lang acc
Folder.ret acc
| _ ->
Folder.default (* let the folder thread the fold *)
let folder = Folder.make ~block () in
let langs = Folder.fold_doc folder String_set.empty doc in
String_set.elements langs