package bitwuzla

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Create a new Bitwuzla session (check_sat can only be called once).



Phantom type

Phantom types are annotations that allow the compiler to statically catch some sort mismatch errors. Size mismatch errors will still be caught at runtime.

type bv = [
  1. | `Bv

The bit-vector kind.

type rm = [
  1. | `Rm

The rounding-mode kind.

type fp = [
  1. | `Fp

The floating-point kind.

type ('a, 'b) ar = [
  1. | `Ar of 'a -> 'b
] constraint 'a = [< bv | rm | fp ] constraint 'b = [< bv | rm | fp ]

The array kind with 'a index and 'b element.

Both index and element should be of bit-vector, rounding-mode or floating-point kind

type ('a, 'b) fn = [
  1. | `Fn of 'a -> 'b
] constraint 'b = [< bv ]

The function kind taking 'a argument and returning 'b element.

Functions accept only bit-vector, rounding-mode or floating-point as argument and return only bit-vector.

Core types

type 'a sort

A sort of 'a kind.

type 'a term

A term of 'a kind.

type 'a value = private 'a term

A value of 'a kind.

Values are subtype of terms and can be downcasted using :> operator.

module Sort : sig ... end
module Term : sig ... end


val assert' : ?name:string -> bv term -> unit

assert' ~name t assert that the condition t is true.

t must be a boolean term (bv term of size 1).

  • parameter name

    The name of the assertion, if any.

  • parameter t

    The formula term to assert.

type result =
  1. | Sat


  2. | Unsat


  3. | Unknown



A satisfiability result.

val pp_result : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> result -> unit

pp formatter result pretty print result.

  • parameter formatter

    The output formatter.

  • parameter result

    The result to print.

val check_sat : ?interrupt:(('a -> int) * 'a) -> unit -> result

check_sat ~interrupt () check satisfiability of current input formula.

  • parameter interrupt

    Stop the research and return Unknown if the callback function returns a positive value. Run into completion otherwise.

  • returns

    Sat if the input formula is satisfiable and Unsat if it is unsatisfiable, and Unknown when neither satistifiability nor unsatisfiability was determined, for instance when it was terminated by timeout.

val timeout : float -> (?interrupt:((float -> int) * float) -> 'b) -> 'b

timeout t f configure the interruptible function f with a timeout of t seconds.

timeout can be used to limit the time spend on check_sat or check_sat_assuming. For instance, for a 1 second time credit, use:

  • (timeout 1. check_sat) ()
  • (timeout 1. check_sat_assuming) assumptions
  • parameter t

    Timeout in second.

  • parameter f

    The function to configure.

  • returns

    An interruptible function configured to stop on timeout.

val get_value : 'a term -> 'a value

get_value t get a term representing the model value of a given term.

Requires that the last check_sat query returned Sat.

  • parameter t

    The term to query a model value for.

  • returns

    A term representing the model value of term t.

val unsafe_close : unit -> unit

unafe_close () close the session.

UNSAFE: call this ONLY to release the resources earlier if the session is about to be garbage collected.


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