package biocaml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
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  1. S-Expressions
Module type
Class type
type item = {
  1. matches : int;

    number of bases that match that aren't repeats

  2. mismatches : int;

    number of bases that don't match

  3. rep_matches : int;

    number of bases that match but are part of repeats

  4. n_count : int;

    number of 'N' bases

  5. q_num_insert : int;

    number of inserts in query

  6. q_base_insert : int;

    number of bases inserted in query

  7. t_num_insert : int;

    number of inserts in target

  8. t_base_insert : int;

    number of bases inserted in target

  9. q_name : string;

    query sequence name

  10. q_strand : char;

    '+' or '-' for query strand

  11. q_size : int;

    query sequence size

  12. q_start : int;

    alignment start position in query

  13. q_end : int;

    alignment end position in query

  14. t_name : string;

    target sequence name

  15. t_strand : char option;

    target strand for translated alignments

  16. t_size : int;

    target sequence size

  17. t_start : int;

    alignment start position in target

  18. t_end : int;

    alignment end position in target

  19. block_count : int;

    number of blocks in the alignment (a block contains no gaps)

  20. block_sizes : int list;

    sizes of each block

  21. q_starts : int list;

    starting positions of each block in query

  22. t_starts : int list;

    starting positions of each block in target


PSL files. Tested only on PSL files generated by BLAT version 34, which output psLayout version 3 files.

module Error : sig ... end
exception Error of Error.t
val in_channel_to_item_stream : ?buffer_size:int -> ?filename:string -> Pervasives.in_channel -> (item, [> Error.t ]) Pervasives.result Stream.t
val in_channel_to_item_stream_exn : ?buffer_size:int -> ?filename:string -> Pervasives.in_channel -> item Stream.t
module Transform : sig ... end
val line_to_item : Pos.t -> Line.t -> (item, Error.t) Pervasives.result


val item_of_sexp : Sexplib.Sexp.t -> item
val sexp_of_item : item -> Sexplib.Sexp.t

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