Module type
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The full API is browsable here.
is an OCaml library that provides programmatic access to common file formats used in bioinformatics like FASTA files.
If you have any problems or find any bugs, open an issue on the GitHub page.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license, at your option. This program may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
opam install bio_io
Read a FASTA file and print the ID and sequence length for each record.
open! Base
let fasta_file = "sequences.fasta"
let () =
(* This open gives you [In_channel] and [Record]. *)
let open Bio_io.Fasta in
In_channel.with_file_iter_records fasta_file ~f:(fun record ->
(* Print the ID and the length of the sequence. *)
Stdio.printf "%s => %d\n" ( record) (Record.seq_length record))
The Bio_io
library provides input channels that return records.
For an overview see the Record_in_channel module signature. In fact, all the In_channels
in this library satisfy this signature.
The Fasta and Fastq modules provide Record
and In_channel
s for reading FASTA and FASTQ files.
There are modules for reading "delimited" files like Btab and Btab_queries.
The Record_in_channel.Make functor can be used to make new specialized records and input channels. To do so, you need a module that satisfies the In_channel_input_record signature. Bio_io
has a couple of In_channel
types in the Private module you can use for this, and then add in the input_record
For examples, see the definitions of Fasta.In_channel, Fastq.In_channel, and Btab.In_channel.