package b0

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

opam metadata.

Some of the metadata is covered by standard keys.

type pkg_spec = string * string

The type for package specifications. A package name and a filtered package formula, use "" if you don't have any constraint.

val build : string B0_meta.key

build is an opam build: field value. This is a raw string in opam syntax that defines the whole field. Used to override automatic opam file generation, see pkg_of_pack.

val depends : pkg_spec list B0_meta.key

depends is an opam depends: field value. Used to override automatic opam file dependency generation, see pkg_of_pack.

val depopts : pkg_spec list B0_meta.key

depopts is an opam depopts: field value.

val conflicts : pkg_spec list B0_meta.key

conflicts is an opam conflicts: field value.

val file_addendum : File.t B0_meta.key

file_addendum is an opam file fragment appended at the end of a generated opam file. See B0_opam.File.pkg_of_meta.

val install : string B0_meta.key

install is an opam install: field value. This is a raw string in opam syntax that defines the whole field. Used to override automatic opam file generation, see pkg_of_pack.

val name : string B0_meta.key

name is an opam name: field value. Use to override automatic opam package name generation, see pkg_of_pack.

Package derivation

val pkg_of_pack : B0_pack.t -> B0_meta.t

pkg_of_pack p is opam package metadata for pack p ready to be used with File.pkg_of_meta to derive an opam package file.

This is p's metadata with the following fields added if they are unspecified:

  • name, the value of B0_opam.pkg_name_of_pack p.
  • B0_meta.synopsis and B0_meta.description. The fields are tentatively derived from an existing in the scope directory of p. The first marked up section of the file is extracted, its title is parsed according to the pattern '$(NAME) $(SEP) $(SYNOPSIS)' to get a synopsis line and the body up to the next (sub)section defines the description.
  • build, a locked b0 build of the pack is defined.
  • depends, we collect the OCaml libraries required by units in the pack, derive a package names out of them. FIXME. This is the poc but it's not workable for now we don't have enough metadata in library names.

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