package awsm-codegen

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

This module was adapted from ppx_tools_versioned's Ast_convenience_404 in support of porting our code from ppx_tools_versioned to ppxlib.

module Label : sig ... end
val mkloc : 'a -> Ppxlib.location -> 'a Ppxlib.loc
val mknoloc : 'a -> 'a Ppxlib.loc
val default_loc : Ppxlib.location Core.ref
val may_tuple : ?loc:'a -> (?loc:'a -> ?attrs:'b -> 'c list -> 'c) -> 'c list -> 'c option
val unit : ?loc:Ppxlib.location -> ?attrs:Ppxlib.Ast_helper.attrs -> unit -> Ppxlib.expression
val nil : ?loc:Ppxlib.location -> ?attrs:Ppxlib.Ast_helper.attrs -> unit -> Ppxlib.expression
val int : ?loc:Ppxlib.location -> ?attrs:Ppxlib.Ast_helper.attrs -> int -> Ppxlib.expression
val float : ?loc:Ppxlib.location -> ?attrs:Ppxlib.Ast_helper.attrs -> float -> Ppxlib.expression
val int32 : ?loc:Ppxlib.location -> ?attrs:Ppxlib.Ast_helper.attrs -> int32 -> Ppxlib.expression
val int64 : ?loc:Ppxlib.location -> ?attrs:Ppxlib.Ast_helper.attrs -> int64 -> Ppxlib.expression
val structure_items_to_module_structure : ?loc:Ppxlib.location -> Ppxlib.label -> Astlib.Ast_500.Parsetree.structure -> Ppxlib.structure_item

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