OCaml Changelog


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We're excited to announce the release of Dune-release 2.0.0!

This release brings support for putting your .opam files in a opam/ directory. If your project contains dozens of packages, you'll be able to generate them into the opam/ folder starting with Dune 3.8 using (opam_file_location inside_opam_directory) in your dune-project.

Another notable change is the removal of delegates. Users of dune-release who want to publish their packages to another platform than GitHub can now use the dune-release delegate-info and use the output to build their own publication workflows.

See full changelog


  • Adopt the OCaml Code of Conduct (#473, @rikusilvola)
  • Added support for projects that have their OPAM files in the opam/ subdirectory. (#466, @Leonidas-from-XIV)


  • Running dune-release check now attempts to discover and parse the change log, and a new flag --skip-change-log disables this behaviour. (#458, @gridbugs)
  • List the main package and amount of subpackages when creating the PR to avoid very long package lists in PRs (#465, @emillon)


  • Avoid collision between branch and tag name. Tag detection got confused when branch was named the same as tag. Now it searches only for tag refs, instead of all refs. (#452, @3Rafal)
  • Fix project name detection from dune-project. The parser could get confused when opam file generation is used. Now it only considers the first (name X) in the file. (#445, @emillon)


  • Remove support for delegates. Previous users of this feature should now use dune-release delegate-info and wrap dune-release calls in a script. See #188 for details. (#428, @NathanReb)
  • Removed support for the OPAM 1.2.2 client. This means dune-release expects the opam binary to be version 2.0 at least. (#406, #411, @Leonidas-from-XIV)
See full changelog


  • Fix project name detection from dune-project. The parser could get confused when opam file generation is used. Now it only considers the first (name X) in the file. (#445, #446, @emillon)
See full changelog


  • Fix compatibility with Cmdliner 1.1.0. This also unfortunately means that the minimum OCaml version is 4.08 now. (#429, @NathanReb)
See full changelog


  • Fixed the release asset URL for projects with multiple opam packages. Before, the packages would attempt to infer their URL and fail in rare cases where the project uses v as prefix for tags but the project version omits it. Now they share the same URL. (#402, #404, @Leonidas-from-XIV)
See full changelog


  • Added support for creating releases from unannotated Git tags. dune-release supported unannotated tags in a few places already, now it supports using them for creating a release. (#383, @Leonidas-from-XIV)


  • Change the ---V command option to be -V (#388, @Leonidas-from-XIV)
  • Infer release versions are inferred from VCS tags. This change allows using dune-release on projects that do not use the changelog or have it in a different format. (#381, #383 @Leonidas-from-XIV)
  • Fix a bug where dune-release couldn't retrieve a release on GitHub if the tag and project version don't match (e.g. v1.0 vs 1.0). dune-release would in such case believe the release doesn't exist, attempt to create it and subsequently fail. (#387, #395, @Leonidas-from-XIV)

On behalf of the dune-release team I'm pleased to announce that we're releasing dune-release.1.5.0.

It has been quite a while since the last release so there are numerous changes and improvements in this one, along with a lot of bug fixes.

The two main new features in 1.5.0 are:

  • A draft release mode that creates a draft Github release and a draft PR to opam-repository. It comes with an undraft command that will undraft both and update the opam file's url.src field accordingly. We believe this feature will prove helpful to maintainers of tools such as dune which releases are often watched by distribution maintainers. Draft releases allow you to wait until you have opam-repository's CI approval to actually create a GH release that will notify anyone watching the repository. This feature is still a bit experimental, we have ideas on how to improve it but we wanted to get a first version out to collect feedback on how it is used and what you folks expect from it.
  • A check command that you can run ahead of a release to know if dune-release has all the information it needs in the repository, along with running the lint, build and test checks it normally runs after building the tarball. We're aware that it can be frustrating to see dune-release fail right in the middle of the release process. We're trying to improve this situation and this is a first step in that direction.

You can see the full changelog here

You'll note we also deprecated a few features such as delegates (as we announced in this post), opam 1.x and the --user option and corresponding config file field. This release is likely to be the last 1.x release of dune-release except for important bug fixes as we'll start working on 2.0 soon.

Our main goals for 2.0 are to make the experience for github users as seemless as possible. We want the tool to do the right thing for those users without them having to configure anything. Delegates got in the way there and that's why we're removing them. We do care about our non github users and we've worked on making it as configurable as possible so that you can integrate it in your release workflow. The situation should already have improved quite a bit with this release as we fixed several bugs for non github hosted repositories. We want to make sure that these users will be happy with dune-release 2.0 as well. Hopefully in the future dune-release will support other release workflows such as handling gitlab hosted repositories but we want to make sure our main user base is happy with the tool before adding this.

We'll communicate a bit more on our plans for 2.0 in the next few months. Our hope is that it will hit opam before the end of this year.

We hope that you'll like this new version and wish you all successful and happy releases!

See full changelog


  • Add --no-auto-open to the default command. It was previously only available for dune-release opam. (#374, @NathanReb)
  • Add a config create subcommand to create a fresh configuration if you don't have one yet (#373, @NathanReb)
  • Add --local-repo, --remote-repo and --opam-repo options to the default command, they used to be only available for the opam subcommand (#363, @NathanReb)
  • Add a --token option to dune-release publish and dune-release opam commands to specify a github token. This allows dune-release to be called through a Github Actions workflow and use the github token through an environment variable. (#284 #368, @gpetiot @NathanReb)
  • Log curl calls on verbose/debug mode (#281, @gpetiot)
  • Try to publish the release asset again after it failed (#272, @gpetiot)
  • Improve error reporting of failing git comands (#257, @gpetiot)
  • Suggest a solution for users without ssh setup (#304, @pitag-ha)
  • Allow including git submodules to the distrib tarball by passing the --include-submodules flag to dune-release, dune-release bistro or dune-release distrib (#300, @NathanReb)
  • Support 'git://' scheme for dev-repo uri (#331, @gpetiot)
  • Support creation of draft releases and draft PRs. Define a new option --draft for dune-release publish and dune-release opam submit commands. (#248, @gpetiot)
  • Add a new command check to check the prerequisites of dune-release and avoid starting a release process that couldn't be finished (#318, #351, @pitag-ha)
  • When preparing the opam-repository PR and pushing the local branch to the user's remote opam-repository fork, use --set-upstream to ease any further update of the PR (#350, @gpetiot)


  • Entirely rely on the remote fork of opam-repository URL in opam submit instead of reading the user separately. The information was redundant and could only lead to bugs when unproperly set. (#372, @NathanReb)
  • Use pure token authentication for Github API requests rather than "token as passwords" authentication (#369, @NathanReb)
  • Require tokens earlier in the execution of commands that use the github API. If the token isn't saved to the user's configuration, the prompt for creating one will show up at the command startup rather than on sending the first request (#368, @NathanReb)
  • Attach the changelog to the annotated tag message (#283, @gpetiot)
  • Do not remove versioned files from the tarball anymore. We used to exclude .gitignore, .gitattributes and other such files from the archive. (#299, @NathanReb)
  • Don't try to push the tag if it is already present and point to the same ref on the remote. dune-release must guess which URI to pass to git push and may guess it wrong. This change allows users to push the tag manually to avoid using that code. (#219, @Julow)
  • Don't try to create the release if it is already present and points to the same tag (#277, @kit-ty-kate)
  • Recursively exclude all .git/.hg files and folders from the distrib tarball (#300, @NathanReb)
  • Make the automatic dune-release workflow to stop if a step exits with a non-zero code (#332, @gpetiot)
  • Make git-related mdx tests more robust in unusual environments (#334, @sternenseemann)
  • Set the default tag message to "Release " instead of "Distribution "
  • Opam file linter: check for synopsis instead of description (#291, @kit-ty-kate)
  • Upgrade the use of the opam libraries to opam 2.1 (#343, @kit-ty-kate)


  • Deprecate the --user CLI options and configuration field, they were redundant with the remote-repo option and field and could be set unproperly, leading to bugs (#372, @NathanReb)
  • Deprecate the use of delegates in dune-release publish (#276, #302, @pitag-ha)
  • Deprecate the use of opam file format 1.x (#352, @NathanReb)


  • Option --name is removed from all commands. When used with dune-release distrib, it was previously effectively ignored. Now it is required to add a (name <name>) stanza to dune-project. (#327, @lehy)


  • Fix a bug where opam submit would look up a config file, even though all the required information was provided on the command line. This would lead to starting the interactive config creation quizz if that file did not exist which made it impossible to use it in a CI for instance. (#373, @NathanReb)
  • Fix a bug where opam submit would fail on non-github repositories if the user had no configuration file (#372, @NathanReb)
  • Fix a bug where subcommands wouldn't properly read the token files, leading to authentication failures on API requests (#368, @NathanReb)
  • Fix a bug in opam submit preventing non-github users to create the opam-repo PR via dune-release. (#359, @NathanReb)
  • Fix a bug where opam submit would try to parse the custom URI provided through --distrib-uri as a github repo URI instead of using the dev-repo (#358, @NathanReb)
  • Fix the priority of the --distrib-uri option in dune-release opam pkg. It used to have lower precedence than the url file written by dune-release publish and therefore made it impossible to overwrite it if needed. (#255, @NathanReb)
  • Fix a bug with --distrib-file in dune-release opam pkg where you would need the regular dune-release generated archive to be around even though you specified a custom distrib archive file. (#255, @NathanReb)
  • Use int64 for timestamps. (#261, @gpetiot)
  • Define the order of packages (#263, @gpetiot)
  • Allow the dry-run mode to continue even after some API call's response were expected by using placeholder values (#262, @gpetiot)
  • Build and run tests for all selected packages when checking distribution tarball (#266, @NathanReb)
  • Improve trimming of the changelog to preserve the indentation of the list of changes. (#268, @gpetiot)
  • Trim the data of the url file before filling the url.src field. This fixes an issue that caused the url.src field to be a multi-line string instead of single line. (#270, @gpetiot)
  • Fix a bug causing dune-release to exclude all hidden files and folders (starting with .) at the repository from the distrib archive (#298, @NathanReb)
  • Better report GitHub API errors, all of the error messages reported by the GitHub API are now checked and reported to the user. (#290, @gpetiot)
  • Fix error message when dune-release tag cannot guess the project name (#319, @lehy)
  • Always warn about uncommitted changes at the start of dune-release distrib (#325, @lehy). Otherwise uncommitted changes to dune-project would be silently ignored by dune-release distrib.
  • Fix rewriting of github references in changelog (#330, @gpetiot)
  • Fixes a bug under cygwin where dune-release was unable to find the commit hash corresponding to the release tag (#329, @gpetiot)
  • Fixes release names by explicitly setting it to match the released version (#338, @NathanReb)
  • Fix a bug that prevented release of a package whose version number contains invalid characters for a git branch. The git branch names are now sanitized. (#271, @gpetiot)
  • publish: Fix the process of inferring user name and repo from the dev repo uri (#348, @pitag-ha)
See full changelog


  • Add a dune-release config subcommand to display and edit the global configuration (#220, @NathanReb).
  • Add command delegate-info to print information needed by external release scripts (#221, @pitag-ha)
  • Use Curly instead of Cmd to interact with github (#202, @gpetiot)
  • Add x-commit-hash field to the opam file when releasing (#224, @gpetiot)
  • Add support for common alternative names for the license and ChangeLog file (#204, @paurkedal)


  • Command tag: improve error and log messages by comparing the provided commit with the commit correspondent to the provided tag (#226, @pitag-ha)
  • Error logs: when an external command fails, include its error message in the error message posted by dune-release (#231, @pitag-ha)
  • Error log formatting: avoid unnecessary line-breaks; indent only slightly in multi-lines (#234, @pitag-ha)
  • Linting step of dune-release distrib does not fail when opam's doc field is missing. Do not try to generate nor publish the documentation when opam's doc field is missing. (#235, @gpetiot)


  • Deprecate opam 1.x (#195, @gpetiot)


  • Separate packages names by spaces in publish logs (#171, @hannesm)
  • Fix uncaught exceptions in distrib subcommand and replace them with proper error messages (#176, @gpetiot)
  • Use the 'user' field in the configuration before inferring it from repo URI and handles HTTPS URIs (#183, @gpetiot)
  • Ignore backup files when looking for README, CHANGES and LICENSE files (#194, @gpetiot)
  • Do not echo input characters when reading token (#199, @gpetiot)
  • Improve the output of VCS command errors (#193, @gpetiot)
  • Better error handling when checking opam version (#195, @gpetiot)
  • Do not write 'version' and 'name' fields in opam file (#200, @gpetiot)
  • Use Yojson to parse github json response and avoid parsing bugs. (#177, @gpetiot)
  • The git command used in publish doc should check DUNE_RELEASE_GIT (even if deprecated) before PATH. (#242, @gpetiot)
  • Adapt the docs to the removal of the log subcommand (#196, @gpetiot)
See full changelog


  • Fix a bug where opam submit would fail if the opam files had no description (#165, @NathanReb)
  • Fix a bug where opam files could be improperly tempered with while building the distribution tarball (#168, @NathanReb)
See full changelog


  • Fix a bug where file presence lint check wouldn't be run for CHANGES, LICENSE and README (#161, @NathanReb)


  • Add headers to better distinguish various dune-release logs such as user prompts and informational logs
See full changelog
  • Fix a bug in documentation publication where under certain circumstances the doc would be published in a _html folder instead of being published at the root of gh-pages (#157, @NathanReb)
See full changelog
  • Add confirmation prompts in some commands. (#144, #146, @NathanReb)
  • Use github returned archive URL instead of guessing it. Fixes a bug when releasing a version with URL incompatible characters to github. (#143, @NathanReb)
  • Add logs to better describe commands behaviour. (#141, #137, #135, #150, #153, @NathanReb)
  • Fix a bug when publishing documentation to a repo for the first time (#136, @NathanReb)
  • Allow to submit package to a different opam-repository hosted on github. (#140, #152, @NathanReb)
  • Use dune subst for watermarking. (#147, @NathanReb)
  • Fix linting step so it checks for CHANGES, LICENSE and README again
See full changelog
  • Remove assert false in favor of error message. (#125, @ejgallego)
  • Embed a 'version: "$release-version"' in each opam file of the current directory to get reproducible releases (#128, #129, @hannesm)
  • Generate sha256 and sha512 checksums for release (#131, @hannesm)
  • Grammar fixes (#132, @anmonteiro)
  • Handle doc fields with no trailing slash (#133, @yomimono)
See full changelog
  • Remove the status and log commands (#95, @samoht)
  • Fix dune-release publish doc when using multiple packages (#96, @samoht)
  • Fix inferred package name when reading dune-project files (#104. @samoht)
  • Add .ps and .eps files to default files excluded from watermarking (backport of dbuenzli/topkg@6cf1eae)
  • Fix distribution uri when homepage is using github.io (#102, @samoht)
  • dune-release lint now checks that a description and a synopsis exist in opam2 files (#101, @samoht)
  • Add a more explicit error message if git checkout fails in the local opam-repository (#98, @samoht)
  • Do not create an extra _html folder when publishing docs on Linux (#94, @anuragsoni and @samoht)
See full changelog
  • Determine opam-repository fork user from URI (#64, @NathanReb and @diml)
  • All subcommands now support multiple package names (@samoht)
  • Do not remove Makefile from the distribution archives (#71, @samoht)
  • Do not duplicate version strings in opam file (#72, @samoht)
  • Fix configuration file upgrade from 0.2 (#55, @samoht)
  • Add a --tag option to select the release tag (@samoht)
  • Add a --version option to select the release version (@samoht)
  • Fix --keep-v (#70, @samoht)
  • Make dune-release <OPTIONS> a shorchut to dune-release bistro <OPTIONS> (#75, @samoht)
  • Add a --no-open option to not open a browser after creating a new P (#79, @samoht)
  • Control --keep-v and --no-auto-open via options in the config file (#79, @samoht)
  • Be flexible with file names (#86 and #20, @anuragsoni)
See full changelog
  • Store config files in ~/.config/dune/ instead of ~/.dune to match what dune is doing (#27, @samoht)
  • Support opam 1.2.2 when linting (#29, @samoht)
  • Use -p <pkg> instead of -n <pkg> to follow dune convention (#30, #42, @samoht)
  • Default to nano if the EDITOR environment variable is not set. (#32, @avsm)
  • Fix location of documentation when odoc creates an _html subdirectory (#34, @samoht)
  • Remove the browse command (#36, @samoht)
  • Re-add the publish delegatation mechanism to allow non-GitHub users to publish packages (see dune-release help delegate) (#37, @samoht)
  • Fix dropping of v at the beginning of version numbers in dune-release opam (#40, @let-def)
  • Add basic token validation (#40, @let-def)
See full changelog
  • Remove opam lint warnings for 1.2 files (#2, @samoht)
  • Add a --keep-v option to not drop v at the beginning of version numbers (#6, @samoht)
  • Pass -p <package> to jbuilder (#8, @diml)
  • Fix a bug in Distrib.write_subst which could cause an infinite loop (#10, @diml)
  • Add a --dry-run option to avoid side-effects for all commands (@samoht)
  • Rewrite issues numbers in changelog to point to the right repository (#13, @samoht)
  • Stop force pushing tags to origin. Instead, just force push the release tag directly to the dev-repo repository (@samoht)
  • Fix publishing distribution when the the tag to publish is not the repository HEAD (#4, @samoht)
  • Do not depend on opam-publish anymore. Use configuration files stored in ~/.dune to parametrise the publishing workflow. (@samoht)

Initial release.

Import some code from topkg.

  • Use of Astring, Logs, Fpath andBos instead of custom re-implementations;
  • Remove the IPC layer which is used between topkg and topkg-care;
  • Bundle everything as a single binary;
  • Assume that the package is built using dune;
  • Do not read/need a pkg/pkg.ml file.
See full changelog
If you want to contribute to a new release announcement, check out the Contributing Guide on GitHub.